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I took a seat at the table.

Everything was neatly organized.

Pantalone took a seat across from me and silently we began to eat.

The dishes before me were all new. They must have been local specialities because I hadn't seen them in game yet.

I didn't eat right away. I poked at the food a bit and even sniffed it. You never knew after all he could have used rat poison or something of the sort.

"Miss Y/N." Pantalone said beginning the conversation.

I looked up at him from my plate.

"You really don't have to keep calling me miss." I said a bit embarrassed.

After all I had been calling him Pantalone without a second thought.

"Oh is that so? Then shall I just call you Y/N?"

I nodded my head.

"Well then Y/N hows the food? Is it to your liking?"

I nodded again.

After I had determined it probably wasn't poisoned I was really enjoying it.

"Its really good actually... where did you get it??"

Pantalone smiled, "I made it."


"Harbingers can actually cook their own food??" I asked surprised.

Pantalone rolled his eyes, "I am not so incompetent that I cannot cook my own food. So what about you Y/N can you cook?"

I shut my mouth and then looked down ashamed.

I could cook... to an extent...

But stuff like this...

Not a chance.

"Whats wrong?" He asked teasingly, "Can't make anything nice?"

I shoved a piece of food in my mouth and looked elsewhere.

"Moving on... tell me about yourself Y/N. We'll be living together from now on so I'd like to know who exactly I am living with."

I put my fork down and looked back at him.

"What exactly do you want to know...?"

Pantalone seemed to think, "Lets start simple. Where is it you come from?"

Well I couldn't exactly tell him I fell from the sky or came from another universe or maybe I could. He'd probably just think I was crazy though. I was beginning to wonder if I was as well.

He was looking at me a little more peculiar. Pantalone must have noticed the hesitation.

"Um Liyue." I blurted out without thinking.

His eyes lit up a bit, "Really? How is Liyue these days?"

I shrugged, "The same as usual."

Pantalone nodded, "I see."

"What about you?" I asked in return.

He gave me a closed eye smile, "Well lets just say I'm surprised we've never met before."

"Thats not—"

"What about your favorite color?" He asked interrupting me.


When he opened his eyes something in them seemed to harden.

"Uh... red...?" I asked unsure of if I was even answering this right.

His eyes softened.

"I don't think I need to ask yours." I said looking him over.

Pantalone laughed, "Observant girl."

My grip on the fork grew tighter and I looked back down at my plate.

"Anyways..." I said my face tinting pink, "What kind of music do you like?"

The rest of the dinner had been good. A bit awkward but it was to be expected. Pantalone had told me a few details about himself and I had also given him some information in return.

The sound of soft classical music played throughout the house. As I laid awake in my bed I couldn't seem to fall asleep.

I was fairly certain Pantalone wouldn't harm me in my sleep so I wasn't worried about that, but I still had a lot on my mind.

It didn't seem like I'd be sleeping anytime soon so I got up from my bed and snuck into the hall.

I wandered down toward the stairs listening to the sound of music getting louder. It made me feel a bit more at ease.

Carefully I went down the steps.

The music grew even louder as I ventured downward.

It didn't take me long to wander into the kitchen. Opening up the fridge I poured myself a glass of milk.

Maybe this would help me sleep a little better...

I closed the fridge and went back out into the hallway.

I looked down the hall where the music seemed to be the loudest.

I had explored that area of the house earlier.

I decided to go back down. I held the cup tightly in my hands taking small sips as I went.

I wonder what Pantalone is doing up so late.

I stopped just outside the room the music had been playing from.

Cautiously I peeked inside.

Pantalone sat in the middle of the room. A brush in one hand and paint in the other. The room was dark so I couldn't see what he was painting, but something about this scene made me shiver.

After a few moments the music came to an end. Pantalone took his brush away from the canvas and let out a soft sigh.

"How troubling..."

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now