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The sun hit us the moment we stepped outside. Childe let go of my hand and turned to me.

"Hold on tight okay?"

Before I could ask him what he meant he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me up. I wrapped my hands around his neck from instinct and Childe jumped. The guards burst through the doors but Childe was already on top of a roof and running.

I couldn't help but laugh.

I was so relieved and happy right now.

Which was weird considering we were being chased down by an archon.

I looked over at Childe as he ran from roof to roof with me in his arms. He was smiling excitedly.

"Having fun?" I asked a teasing smile on my face.

Childe chuckled, "This is the most fun I've had in ages."

People looked up at us watching in amazement as Childe jumped around.

"I can't believe you came back for me."

I rose an eyebrow, "What? Did you really think I'd leave you behind?"

Childe shook his head, "Well who knows? Though I'm definitely surprised, I'm glad."

A faint tint of pink crossed his face and he looked away from me.

My smile grew brighter and I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck.

In that moment I realized something I hadn't been so sure of before. I was falling fast and hard for this charming ginger. Nobody had ever made me laugh and smile as much as he had. I wasn't sure if he would feel the same but right now I was just happy to be with him.

"I'm so relieved that you're alright though," I said the words slipping from my lips.

Childe almost tripped and I laughed.

"Missed me that much?" He teased.

I pinched his back and he stiffened.

"Ow.." He whined.

"Aw don't be such a baby. Keep running or we're screwed."

Childe kept going till we made it to the hotel. We used the roof entrance to hurry back to our room and grab our stuff. Childe put me down on the ground and I ran over to grab any necessities.

Childe was done before I was and held out his hand.

My heart thumped as I took his.

I could feel the heat rising to my own face as we ran hand in hand back to the top of the roof.

When we reached the top of the roof the wind blew right at us.

"So I guess that concludes our trip to Fontaine?" I asked following Childe to the edge.

"Yea... I don't think we'll be back in this nation for a while." He replied with a chuckle.

I looked down at the city below. It was a beautiful place.

"One day if we could I'd like to actually get some time to look around."

Childe nodded, "Then let's come back one day if you want me to that is?"

"Of course I want you to come back with me. After that, I'd say we're partners now."

"P-Partners?!?" He asked with a stutter.

"Partners," I replied with a grin, "Unless... you want more," I whispered the last part and Childe shivered.

"Do you enjoy teasing me so much?" He asked crossing his arms.

I bit my lip, "Who said I was teasing."

Childe shook his head and pulled at my hand.

"Shall we return to Snezhnaya?"


It didn't take us long to get out of Fontaine and start the trip back to Snezhnaya. The night had come quickly and we were stuck camping out in the forest again.

This time though I didn't mind so much.

"See that one."

I hummed in reply.

"That ones called Apus. It looks like a bird doesn't it?"

"Yea it does." I said in wonder.

I shifted around in my spot.

We were high up in the trees as we looked at the night sky. A small blanket draped over the two of us to share.

"That one looks like a stick!" I said pointing up at another.

Childe laughed, "You really don't know much about constellations huh?"

I shot him a glare, "You're telling me it doesn't look like a stick?"

But he only smiled without answering my question.

"How do you know so much?" I asked my eyes shifting to look back at him.

Childe gave a light smile, "My mother used to love them. Sometimes we'd just sit and watch them."

I leaned closer into Childe and pulled the blanket up a bit more.

"Thats really sweet. I bet shes a nice lady." I said with a smile of my own.

"Yea she is," Childe laughed, "My whole family are actually."

"So that includes you." I said poking his chest.

Childe grabbed onto my finger and shook his head.

"Not like they are."

"I think you're nice if that counts for anything."

He let go of my finger and moved a little closer.

"Yea it does thank you.." He whispered.

I smiled and closed my eyes. Leaning into his side some more I suddenly felt sleepy.

We stayed silent for a bit. The more I relaxed into him the sleepier I became. Eventually he spoke.


I hummed close to falling asleep.

"Thanks for sticking around... I've had a lot of fun being with you. Plus you came back for me... ha... the others would have never done that of their own will. I was really impressed with you."

I only hummed so close to falling asleep.

Childe chuckled and wrapped an arm around me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and something soft pressed against my forehead.

"Goodnight Y/N."

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