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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

When the guards finally passed once more Childe and I got up off the ground.

Lumine helped him up off the ground and smiled upon seeing him.

"Hey girlie its been awhile."

She laughed and shook her head.

"Oh no not him!!" Another squeaky voice called out behind Lumine.

The small girl floated out behind her and crossed her arms.

"It only took you forever! Paimon was starting to get hungry!"

Childe rolled his eyes with a smile.

Then they looked over at me.

"Huh whos that?" Paimon asked floating over toward me.

She stopped right in front of me inspecting me critically.

"Oh this is Y/N. She came to help me out with this."

I watched as Paimon floated another circle around me and then returned to Lumine.

"Ohhh so basically she came to keep you out of trouble!" Paimon said with an evil giggle.

Childe glared at her and I could help the smile creeping up on my face.

"Thats right. You could say I'm baby sitting." I said with a grin.

Paimons smile only grew and we both burst out giggling.

Lumine smiled a bit too but Childe didn't look too impressed.

"Haha very funny now its time to go." Childe said looking back out the cell.

"How long till the trial?" I asked them.

"Paimon heard it should be starting later today..."

I glanced over at Childe and he looked back at me.

"We really need to go then." I whispered.

He nodded his head and went to peek out the cell.

"Shit we may need another way out."

My eyes briefly widen and I walked up to look out myself.

At the end of the hall the guards were just standing by the stairs.

"Can't we just wait a bit?"

"No the longer we wait the closer we get to it being time. If we wait too long we may get caught as well."

He had a good point... for all we knew they'd be coming in the next few minutes for her. We were here we had her so we needed to use this chance.

"Is there any way to get out of here if we can't use that entrance?"

Childe thought for a moment.

"Oh Paimon saw something!" Paimon said interjecting.

We both looked back at her and Lumine nodded.

"There might be an exit less guarded than the others. We saw something when we were brought down here."

Childe and I looked at one another.

This might have been our only chance at getting out of here. If the Cyro Archon wanted us to keep our presence unknown then we needed whatever cover we could get.

"Lets do it."

Childe nodded and looked back out.

"Do you remember where it is?" He asked eyes still scanning the hall.

"Yes Paimon remembers!" She floated over toward us and peeked out.

"Stay close. Paimon lead the way."

When the guards were focused enough on their conversation we opened the cell door and snuck out. Paimon began floating in the opposite direction and we hurried after her.

Lumine and Childe ran side by and side and I kept to the back glancing over us every so often.

I could feel my heart pull a bit at the proximity of those two.

They seemed close...

Of course they were though. She and Childe got along really well why wouldn't they be.

But still my heart ached.

I know I hadn't known Childe for a long time now certainly not as long as her but I felt something. Now maybe that was also because I had a tiny crush on him before ending up here but stil.

We stopped unexpectedly. I ran straight into Childes back and grasped him to stop myself from falling.

"Uh oh theres someone coming." Paimon whispered.

I peeked out from behind Childe. We were at the end of the hall. There were two ways we could go now either left or right. It seemed someone was coming from the left.

"Hurry!" Paimon grabbed Lumine and we raced down the left hall and into a small corridor.

This place was filled with all sorts of twists and turns. It was like never ending maze down here.

We avoided people almost running into a few close calls.

"We're almost there!" Paimon said excitedly.

Up ahead were two sets of stairs. One led upwards and the other down.

We checked the hall to be sure and then sprinted for the stairs. As we approached the top of the stairs something made us all freeze. There was a loud blaring alarm that had sounded.

I looked over at Childe my heart thumping in my chest.

He cursed under his breath and then looked back at me.

"They know."

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