[🌊] - Epilogue

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I raced up the fountain.

Excitement was the only thing I could feel coursing through me right now.

"Woah slow down!" Childe shouted from behind me.

I laughed and stopped right at the very top.

The sight below me was beautiful.

The whole city was surrounded by walls but it looked like one huge castle. I could see the fountain in the center flowing and people running about.

The smell of freshly baked food drifted in the air.

A pair of arms wrapped right around my waist and his head leaned on my shoulder.

"You're really excited." He said in a whisper.

I nodded my head and smiled even more.

Finally, I was in Mondstadt.

"Do you know how much I've wanted to come here." I said barely able to stay still.

Childe sighed, "You've only asked about lets see... a million times."

I turned to look back at him with a pout and he laughed again.

"Relax babe."

My body shivered.

After that day in the palace our relationship had only continued to develop. The two of us had become inseparable. Not a day passed where I wouldn't see Childe. We worked closely together and even after work were around one another.

Not too long ago Childe had begun to call me babe or baby. At first it had taken me by surprise and he was worried he had said something wrong. I was able to reassure him pretty fast though.

But even with all the times he had said those words they still sent my heart in a frenzy.

"I'm calm. Really." I said returning to reality.

I looked back at Childe who didn't seem to believe me that much.

"Then let get going."

Childe let go of my waist and placed his hand out.

I happily put my hand in his own and we headed down the mountain.

"Is it really okay to stay for a few days?" I asked glancing over at Childe.

He squeezed my hand and nodded his head, "Of course. Do worry we aren't missing anything going on. They won't pester us while we are here."

I let out a soft sigh and looked at the incoming gate.

It felt almost nostalgic to be coming back here.

Mondstadt was the city I had spent the most time in while playing Genshin. It was truly the only place I felt like I could relax in.

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