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Who would have guessed that trying to act as a lady could be so challenging.

It was either that or the fact that Signora was a brutal teacher.

If she had been a teacher back in the days when students were smacked with rulers she would have been the worst of them.

'Straighten your posture. You're not a hunchback!'

'What kind of a lady eats like that?!'

'Horrible. Do it again.'

But even with her rough training I still appreciated it nonetheless.

After all who would help someone learn the proper mannerism and socialization skills with only a week to spare.

After the first few days I had started to improve. Signora was yelling less and seemed to be pleased.

I had hid any of my progress from Pantalone and each time he asked what I was planning Id shrug my shoulders and brush him off. It would be worth it to see the surprise on his face. 

By the final day she had even given me a compliment.

I was proud of myself.

It wasn't much but I had learned enough and hopefully it would be enough to make Pantalone regret it.

The day of the party I had avoided Pantalone completely. I had a lot to prepare and to ensure I was ready. Signora had helped me pretty myself up and she was currently doing the last of my makeup as we spoke.

"Well look at you." She said in approval.

The makeup brush moved softly against my cheeks.

"Its finally starting to come together. You look like a lady should but can you act like one?"

I gave her a gentle smile, "I do hope so."

She smiled in return and dabbed the brush at my face once more before pulling back.

"Its enough. You're ready."

I turned in my chair to face the mirror and it was as if a completely different person was staring back at me.

Signora had done a wonderful job. I looked just as an adult should. In all honesty, I looked better than that. Seeing myself like this definitely gave me a lot more confidence.

I moved a little closer to the mirror to get a better look at myself.

This was amazing.

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