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Our coffee was short but the time spent was nice. Childe told me a bit more about himself and the other harbingers.

When we arrived back at the cabin Dottore was already waiting outside. He looked shocked to see the two of us together.

"What did she try to escape?"

Childe shook his head in reply.

"No we just were having a coffee. You should try being a bit more friendly Dottore.. shes a lovely lady."

My face heated up from embarrassment and I looked down at the snow.

Dottore only grunted in response before marching over. He grabbed onto my wrist and began to pull us towards the house. I looked up at Childe and gave him a small wave.

Childe smiled that charming smile of his and the door behind us shut.

Dottore let out a sigh and began to walk towards his chair.

"I must say I was waiting for you to try escaping." Dottore leaned back running a hand through his hair.

I walked into the room and took a seat in front of the fire.

"Did you want to hunt me like those other fools?" I asked taking a glance at him.

His grin stretched across his face.

"Yes I did."

An idea popped in my head.

If he wanted the thrill of the chase I'd give it to him.

"Then lets play a game."

Dottore rose an eyebrow but I continued,

"Give me a chance to try and escape. Ill make it worth your time."

Dottore chuckled but his grin never faded.

"You're using this as an excuse to escape huh? Alright I'll play your game, but there will be consequences if you fail to get away. So run little rabbit you've got 15 seconds."

And like that I was gone.

I ran through the front door and deeper into the forest.

This was truly the perfect and only chance I might have to escape. If Dottore wasn't as powerful as the others I had a chance. The only issue is whether the other Harbingers would interfere.

I kept running pushing myself as fast as I could. I didn't want to underestimate Dottore, but I really believed I could escape.

I could now here footsteps.

I guess 15 seconds wasn't really much.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer.

I let a cloud of snow and fog surround me as I ran onwards. Only then did I look back.

There were still loud footsteps but nobody was there..

I felt my heart race.

Where was he?

I continued running as I looked up and around.

Nobody was in the trees.

Then where had he gone?

I couldn't think of that too much now. I needed to escape.

The sound of footsteps disappeared and I let out a small sigh.

The mist around me disappeared and I was back to being visible. With one last look I went on.

I had been running for at least five minutes now. I hadn't seen him once either.

What was he planning? There was no way he hadnt caught onto me yet.

Just as I thought that I felt myself trip forward. Something snatched my leg and I flew up into the air. A small shriek left my mouth and I covered it quickly with my hands.

"Oh my. That was quite easy. I must say im disappointed."

I was hanging from a tree now. The rope tied tightly to my leg as I swayed back and forth.

I didn't have time to look for Dottore.

Bringing my hand upwards I shot ice from it to pierce the rope. I was back on the ground quickly but my body was in pain.

I could now see where he was.

He was not too far away. Taking his time and enjoying the walk over.

I let out a groan and forced myself up.

"Ah you think even with all the elements you could stand a chance fighting me?"

The two guns he had from before appeared from thin air. I raised my hand upwards once more and sent huge icicles down. Dottore dodged them and in the blink of an eye he was standing before me.

My body broke down a bit and I feel to a knee. He took a hand out from his pocket and the guns moved with it. Now that I got a closer look I could tell they weren't guns.

They were needles.

My hand gripped the snowy ground to stable myself.

"Well I must say it wasn't worth it."

My hand dugs into the ground now.

Dottore rose his hand further.

I panicked. As my fingers clawed into the dirt I wished for a miracle.

In a flash that miracle arrived. A beam of rock emerged from the ground and sent Dottore flying.

I was just as surprised as him, but I refused to waste time.

With that lucky break I made a run for it.

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now