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I followed Pantalone down a long hallway and into a living area. He sat me down in a fancy-looking chair and left the room.

The room was as lovely as the rest of the house.

It was luxurious and well-kept. The furniture was all set up in a certain way and appeared very clean overall.

I got up from my seat and walked around the room.

There was a large bookshelf on one of the back walls.

I traced my finger along the spines of the books. Most of them seemed to be on mora and finances.

Scaramouche had mentioned he was the wealthiest and judging by all these books and the questions he had asked he must have been in charge of Snezhnaya's mora.

I stepped away from the bookshelf and walked around the seating area. There were a few chairs surrounding a glass table. On the table was a vase with beautiful red flowers.

"They're nice aren't they."

I almost jumped out of my own skin. I whipped my head to the side. Pantalone had returned with a tray of tea and cookies in his hands.

"Um yes, they are," I replied taking a seat once more.

Pantalone walked over and placed the tray down. He took a cup of tea and put it in front of me.

"Thank you," I said a bit nervous.

Pantalone smiled and took the seat across from me. He picked up his own tea and took a sip.

I decided to do the same.

I picked up the cup of tea and sniffed it. It smelt like normal tea. Not that I expected poison in it but you never know.

I drank some of the tea and let out a sigh. It was so warm.

It was nice to have a cup of tea in this horrid weather.

"I never got your name," Pantalone said starting the conversation.

"Oh," I replied.

It was true I hadn't given him my name.

"It's Y/N," I said setting my tea down.

"Y/N." He said a smile grazing his lips, "It's a cute name."

It felt like there were butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh thank you..."

He was very nice for a harbinger...

That only made me more suspicious of him.

"As I said earlier you'll be in my care for now. Of course, this will only be a temporary measure. Once you've earned her trust and proven your worth you'll be allowed to go where you please."

"So how do I earn her trust?" I asked.

Pantalone thought for a moment, "Let's see. Well for starters do stop trying to escape." He said it all with a smile.

My stomach sank and I nodded.


Scaramouche must have told him about what happened.

"You won't want to try that one with me. I promise you will not like how I respond."

There it was.

A brief shine in his eyes showed something much more sinister.

"Okay," I responded nervously.

Pantalone reached over and from another chair, he pulled out a piece of paper.

"I do have some terms for you staying with me. Do understand if this is what the Tsaritsa wants I will comply. However, caring for others costs mora and as you know I wouldn't have made all this mora doing favors. So please take a read."

Pantalone held out the papers and cautiously I took them.

There were a few pages here. I started slowly looking through everything.

By the end of it, my face was pale.

"I can't accept this," I said handing him back the stack of papers.

Pantalone took them from me and he seemed to smile a bit brighter.

"And why is that?"

I took in a small breath.

"These terms are insane. A 15 percent increase in interest if the first payment isn't made? The interest is already insane! No wonder you're rich. You must have drowned people in debt with these types of things." I replied still shocked at what I had just read.

Pantalone laughed and put the papers back on the nearby chair.

"And that's why I thought we could sit and negotiate the terms over some tea. You're a sharp one so just for you I'll lower it to 10."

It was my turn to laugh.

"Oh, sure 10 percent of whatever I'll owe you a day. No way. I don't have a cent to my name. Even if I do make money what's to say I'll make any when I'm staying with you? What if I gain her trust and only have a dollar? If that's the case I'll really start running." I was beginning to get a bit bolder now.

There was no way I'd agree with his terms.

His smile curved and he crossed his arms.

"Do you want to know something?" His smile was a bit mischievous now.

"What?" I asked a bit more forwardly.

"I did not think you would read the whole thing. Most people don't. They seem to trust me naturally. What a shame..."

I could see why.

Even though I had just met him I could tell he was charming and easy to talk with. He could easily use that to lure people into things.

"Well nevertheless, I'll draft you a new contract in the next while. So for now you may stay and do as you please here."

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