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They pressed a knee against my back and held my face down with their hand. I struggled beneath their grasp but they refused to let up.

"Stop struggling." He growled.

"Hmpf!" I shouted moving around even more.

"God damnit..." He mumbled pushing down on my back even harder.

"Jesus Scaramouche don't kill them."

"Shut up scum you couldn't even hold onto them." Scaramouche retorted.

This meant Childe must've succeeded in unfreezing Dottore.

I somehow managed to turn my head to the side. Looking up I could see Childe and Dottore standing behind me. I glanced over to the side and looked at the one holding me down.

I blinked a few times.

Was I seeing this correctly?

The giant circle I had seen was a hat?

The man holding me down was wearing a giant circle hat. He had sharp purple eyes and short purple hair.

I just couldn't take my eyes away from his hat. It was the biggest hat I had ever seen. It was big in the game but seeing it with my own two eyes was different.

"Enough let's just bring them back to the Tsaritsa." Dottore said.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Hold on just a second!" Childe said interrupting.

Childe walked towards me and bending down a small smile spread across his lips.

"So we're just not going to see what's underneath there?" Childe reached out to grab my hood and I turned my head back into the snow.

He let out a small laugh and patted my head lightly.

"Oh, I never thought about that..." Dottore mumbled.

"Dottore's right let's bring them to the castle."

"If you try to escape again we won't be so kind capturing you. I'm going to get off you don't even think about moving." I shivered at the coldness from Scaramouches words as he slowly got up off of me.

A small yelp left my lips and I felt something grab onto the back of my hood. I looked upwards and Dottore now had me in his grasp. He looked back at me and I quickly ducked my head down to hide my face.

"Brat you want to explain why you tricked me into thinking I was crazy?"

I huffed and looked away.

"Dottore they can't trick you into being crazy if you already are."

I let out a giggle.

"Shut up!" Dottore growled.

We had re-entered the city. It didn't take us long to reach the castle. The first step into the castle made my gut turn. An uneasy feeling washed over me and I realized something about this place was off. The atmosphere was dark and as we continued on I could feel the eyes of others watching us.

The castle was pretty dark and quiet. No maids or servants wandered around.

We walked down the long hallway towards a large icy door. The inside of this place was freezing. It went perfectly with the atmosphere.

There were small snowflake patterns drawn all over the door and I could sense people on the inside.

Scaramouche stepped forward and pushed open the door. A cold wind pushed past the door and I shivered. The room was dark but Dottore entered in after Scaramouche. He hadn't let go of me if anything his hold on me grew tighter. The room was covered in blue torches and at the center sat a large throne.

We stopped far before the throne and the doors behind us slammed shut. Dottore threw me to the floor and I let out a small yelp. I landed face-first on the ground with the hood still covering me.

"Raise your head, child." An unknown female voice spoke out.

I slowly rose my head up and looked towards the throne. The room was foggy and there were two more thrones on each side below the first. Two out of the three thrones were occupied, one of the side thrones was left empty.

I pushed myself up off the ground and glanced back at the three fatui men. They both stayed back and had their full attention on the main throne.

I looked back this time my attention going towards the other side throne. Someone was lying against the throne with their legs thrown over the side. They didn't seem too interested in what was going on. The one sitting on the main throne had their eyes on me. I couldn't exactly see them but I could feel them.

If this was the Fatui's headquarters that meant the lady sitting on the main throne must've been,

The Tsaritsa.

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