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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

Childe took the lead going up the top stairs. As we were about halfway up he stopped.

People were coming down them and judging by the heavy sound of their boots, they were guards.

We turned back around instantly.

Hurrying down the stairs we took the lower ones instead.

"Wait but the exit!" Paimon whined.

There was no other choice. If we went further up we'd run into guards and would have to fight our way out.

Which again was not apart of the plan.

When we made it to the bottom of the lower stairs we seemed to be in another older section. This section had different rooms and seemed to be decaying.

Childe scanned as we ran by the rooms and then stopped.

People were coming from both sides of us. The guards on the stairs hadn't stopped above us instead they were going further down.

"Look there!" Paimon pointed to a room with an open door.

We all hurried into the room. Childe closed the door behind us.

The room was old. It was a surprise the door even shut.

"What if they open the door...?" Paimon asks in a whisper.

"Shush!" Childe whispered.

He hushed us all and motioned for us to move to the back of the room. It was dark and hard to see but we moved further away from the door.

We need something to block that door. Even if they did pass what was the chance they'd open it?

We all stayed silent listening. The guards were getting closer.

My heart was beating faster and faster at every second.

Some way to block it...

Then it hit me.

If I could manipulate the elements as long as they were here...

I began to approach the door very quietly.

Childe looked at me in confusion but I only put a finger to my lip.

When I got close enough I bent down to the ground. The floor had been ruined enough that there was definitely ground peeking out from underneath.

Placing my hand down I summoned the ground to rise upward.

I lifted my hands up and shot a wall of stone to block the door.

The impact sent me back and some footsteps stopped just outside the room.

The whole room stilled and I didn't dare move from my spot on the ground. The sound of the door creaking open almost made me flinch.

"A wall...?" Someone mumbled.

"Was this always here?"

I gripped the ground. I could feel the nervousness gathering in my stomach.

"No there use to be a room..."

Oh god please dont try to tare it down.

"Maybe they covered it u—"

"Enough about the wall we need to find those prisoners."

"Yes sir!"

And with that the sound of footsteps took off once more.

When they were gone I let out a big sigh of relief and fell onto my back.

Holy shit too damn close that was.

"Wow." Childe mumbled.

He approached the wall and hit it lightly with his fist.

The good thing is it didn't break.

"Good job." He was smiling now.

But I was just too relieved to take the compliment in.

"Wow so you've got a geo vision??" Paimon asked excitedly.

Ops... yea I guess I forgot about that.

But did it really matter too much if they knew? I mean Lumine could also use other elements.

"Uh yea." I whispered sitting up off the ground.

"So whats the plan now?" I asked trying to shift the subject.

"Well theres a few problems now. First off they know you guys are missing. This means security is going to be ten times what it was earlier. Second we still can't get caught. Finally we still have to make it out of Fontaine with them." Childe started pacing back and forth trying to think of a plan.

There was a lot more risk now.

Getting out undiscovered would be even more difficult. Now the question was did we wait for time to pass and things to settle or do we make a break for it?

If we waited too long they may realize we're somewhere inside and really lock down the place.

"We should wait a bit. Trying to get out now will be too difficult and it possess more risk." I said.

"We cant wait too long then, but I do agree. If we get caught we'll have a harder time getting away."

"Why are you so concerned with doing this secretly?" Paimon asked crossing her arms.

I looked over at Childe for an explanation and he only gave a nervous laugh.

"Sorry can't spill all our secrets."

Paimon huffed and floated back to Lumine who was sitting against the wall.

Childe walked past me and took a seat beside her.

"Don't worry we'll get you out of here. I promise." He said giving her a reassuring smile.

A tint of pink crossed her face and she nodded her head.

And there it was again. That same clenching in my heart from earlier...

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