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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

My body felt even heavier now.

Scaramouche's motionless eyes stared at the ground. His pupils had disappeared and there was only a black light in his eyes now. His body was completely still.

Behind him stood Dottore.

His eyes were such a dark shade of red, but that wasn't what scared me the most.

The look he held was one of a true madman.

His smile twitched as he observed Scaramouche.

"You foolish little man..."

I didn't move as I watched him. Not that I could run now anyways but I wasn't sure what to do. I felt as if I were a deer caught in the headlights.

How did he get here? How did he know?

He grabbed ahold of Scaramouche's head and pushed him forward.

Scaramouche's body collapsed like a doll.

Dottore finally turned his attention to me.

His insane smile was still very much present and my heart was still beating rapidly.

I wasn't sure what to say.

Did he kill Scaramouche?

My mouth opened and closed trying to find some words.

"You're alive." He began to head towards me.

The aura he was giving off was powerful. It was like a trial of darkness followed behind him. In all honesty, it was a bit scary. I had never expected to see Dottore this angry.

He spoke so calmly but his face and behaviour were the exact opposite.

"He made a mess of you huh?"

Dottore stopped in front of me and lightly cupped my face.

He began moving my head around to examine it.

"H-How?" My voice stuttered as I looked back at him.

He tilted his head to the side.

"I keep an eye on my experiments. Especially the ones who don't know how to behave."

Dottore shot him a quick glance before refocusing on me.

Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now