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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

When we had returned to his home Pantalone had disappeared.

He didn't say a word on the way back.

I didn't have much to say either though.

My mind was focused on my first two experiences collecting debt. Both were so different. It gave me a bit of a new perspective on the world and those around us. I'm not sure why I expected Teyvat to have less issues than my own world.

But the idea of gods ruling over lands made me assume the people lived better, but oh how wrong I had been.

Both of then were suffering. Different situations and different kinds of people, but still in pain.

From now onward the choice would be mine to make.

It could be both a good and bad position to be in.

But this was the choice I was given.

Either work for the fatui or... well I didn't want to know what they'd do.

I shook my head and let out a sigh.

It was still bugging me though. The way Pantalone had acted.

With the little time I had spent with him I could tell he was a very calm and collected man. He smiled a lot but that must have been a facade.

Something that man had said or did made that facade crack...

"Well look how comfy you have gotten."

My body straightened up and I whipped my head back.

Behind me was a man.


It was overwhelming the amount of blue and black. He smiled his teeth sharp and his eyes cold. He was bending over staring straight at me.

Oh shit.

"Whats wrong surprised to see me again?"

My heart pounded and I got up from the couch.

Il Dottore.

The second of the fatui harbingers.

I took a step back and he laughed.

He stood up straight and crossed his arms.

"Oh good you do remember me, brat." He hissed.

I was on guard now.

My hand behind my back was slowly summoning fire from the fireplace. The moment he took a step closer I'd strike.

"You're lucky I'm not here for you today. Where is he?"

Dottore looked around the room.

I shook my head, "He's not here. I don't know where he went."

Dottore blinked, "Really?"

I nodded this time.

"Sorry but you'll have to find him yourself. He disappeared when we returned."

He let out a sigh and crossed his arms.

"Well then do tell me how was your first job working for us?"

His eyes gleamed with excitement now.

"It was alright..." I replied not really interested in talking with the man.

"Just alright? How boring." Dottore said rolling his eyes.

"You've been quite behaved too. Should we be concerned?"

He was beginning to get on my nerves. The fire in my hands grew a bit brighter and he looked past me.

"So hostile," He crossed his arms, "You don't need to be so on guard."

But I didn't budge.

So he changed the conversation, "Did you get to kill anyone? Did anyone try to kill you? Or perhaps you did something to anger him—"


His voice was calm.

I looked up and there he was.

Standing in the doorway he looked at us with no emotion. He couldn't even force a smile. Pantalone did not look impressed to see Dottore not right now at least.

Dottore clapped his hands and smiled even more, "Aww don't tell me you're in a pissy mood? Did she fail that badly? Or did you lose money again?"

"Leave the girl be. What are you here for?"

Pantalone did not seem interested in messing around today.

Dottore frowned and stepped toward him.

I let the fire dissipate from my hands and relaxed a little.

Something told me if Pantalone was here things would be alright.

"I'm here to discuss business." Dottore said a little more seriously now.

"I see. Then excuse us."

Pantalone looked over toward me, "If you need any food you're welcome to use the kitchen. It appears I wont be able to join you for dinner tonight."

I nodded my head.

With that he stepped out.

Dottore spared me one last grin before following behind him.

I shook my head.

What a strange bunch the harbingers were.

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now