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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

The trip back to the lab was not a fun one. My nice dress was bloody and my back was still in pain.

I had let the merchants flee but not without taking a few more things for myself. One of those things being the pendant.

I arrived back at the big building to hear maniacal laughter.

Did I really want to go inside there right now?

The whole reason I had left was because I didn't want to see what would happen to that guy.

But maybe I wouldn't have to see anything?

I nervously reached for the door and tried to quietly open it. Unfortunately the door creaked very loudly and anyone inside knew I had come back.

A small whimper left my lips from the pain. It seemed my shoulders also got a beating.

"Perfect your back! I just finished off with— what happened." His voice went from cheerful to cold in moments.

I made my way over to him and stopped in front of a lab table.

I didnt bother to look at the cage as I placed the box down.

Dottore walked up behind me.

"I found it." I replied sucking in a breath.

Dottores hand brushed against my back and I stiffened. I groaned in pain and slumped over a bit.

"Who did this?"

"Is it bad...?"

I couldn't see how bad it was. I only knew it was bleeding and it hurt.

"My dear your whole back is covered in blood... what did that?"

I tried to look back and I couldn't see much. I could see some red but that was all.

"I was stupid I shouldn't have turned my back on them."

His hand traced down my back. I could feel his finger on my skin. The cut in my dress must have been bad as well.

"Come on sit."

Dottore moved his hand from my back and grabbed lightly onto my arm. I was pulled towards a stool and pushed down onto it.

He brushed my hair out of my face and into the front.

"We will return home after I take care of this."

His hand grabbed onto the edges of my dress and pulled it down. A small gasp left my lips and I grabbed onto my dress.


My heart rate had picked up immediately.

"I cant clean this with the dress in the way."

I whimpered in reply but nodded my head. I dropped my hands down and Dottore moved the straps down my shoulders. They dropped around my waist and my back was on full display.

The only thing covering me now was a bra.

His hand unclipped it and it dropped down with the dress. My hands moved up to cover my chest and my face burned red.

Dottore began to rub a cloth of warm water against my back. My hands squeezed into my skin from the burning sensation.

"Relax your muscles a bit."

His hand moved gently and when the dried blood was cleaned off he stopped.

We sat there in silence.

There were no words I could speak in this state.

He rubbed something else against my back and it felt cold to the touch.

I shivered in response.

"Thats all I can do for now here. Once we return home I have some more things we can use."

I nodded my head shyly and he backed away. My hands reached around my back and a small whimper left my lips.

The footsteps stopped and his hands grabbed back onto my bra straps.

He put them back together and pulled up the rest of my dress. He moved my hair to my back to cover some of the rip.

"You said the merchants did this?"

I stood up off the stool and turned back. His expression was back to his usual shelf. A small smile stretched across his face.

"Yes it was."

"And what happened to them?"

I gave him a nervous look.

"I let them go, but I got a pretty necklace."

I pulled the pendant out from my pocket and Dottore inspected it.

His mouth hung slightly open and he blinked a few times.

"Do you know what this is?" His voice lowered.

I shook my head.

"This is a very very expensive necklace... it was stolen along time ago as well. Supposedly it has some magic stored inside of it..."

"Really?" I asked in delight.

He nodded and took the necklace from my hands. He unclipped the back of it and placed it around my neck.

When the necklace was on he took a step back.

My heart continued to hammer in my chest.

"It would look nice with a white dress."

If my face could get any redder it would.

"Thank you..."

Dottore blinked once more a realization at what he said before turning away.

"Come on we're going home."

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