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Childe's eyes lit up, "You're sure about that?"

He seemed to be just as excited as I was.

"Yes. Teach me how to use a bow."

I hope I didn't regret this but Childe knew what he was doing.

"Alright, I will. We will have to get you your own bow but in the meantime, you can practice using mine." I hadn't actually seen Childe's bow yet but now that I paid closer attention to him I noticed it was on his back.

"Is that it?" I asked pointing towards what looked to be the bow.

Childe nodded and took the bow off his back.

I moved closer toward him and he placed it in his lap.

"That's huge but really pretty. Can I?"

Childe placed the bow in my hands and I ran my fingers along it. The bow really was beautiful. It was a light blue that looked like it had wings. Plus the colors were also shining.

"We'll get you something a bit more fitting but I'm not sure when we'll come upon a merchant. Have you ever held a bow before?"

I shook my head and Childe took the bow from my hands before standing up.

I got up with him and Childe handed me the bow. It was heavy in my hands and I wasn't exactly sure what to do with it.

"Relax your hand a bit and place it on the grip." Childe moved my hand so it was in the correct position.

"Now point it that way we don't want you to accidentally kill one of us." Childe grabbed onto my hips and turned me away from the wall.

I let out a small gasp and almost lost my hold on the bow.

My heart sped up a bit and his hands moved back to my own.

He moved my free hand so it was now holding the string of the bow.

"No don't grab the bow like that you only need a few fingers."

He detaches a few of my fingers from the bow and I was now standing with the bow aimed toward the darkness of the cave.

"Good now let's try it again." Childe took the bow from me and then returned it.

I looked at the bow and nervously began trying to remember how I had previously held it. It took me a few tries before I finally got a good hold of it. Childe was pleased that I was learning fast but something told me this would not be the hard part.

"Now try using this." This time Childe had an arrow.

He handed it over to me and I did the same process as before except this time he guided me on how to hold it with an arrow.

I was back to pointing the arrow into the darkness.

"Now try shooting it."

I nodded my head and pulled the string back.

Childe gave me a nod in encouragement and I took a breath before letting go.

The arrow flew...

About 8 feet away from me.

I groaned and let my stance drop.

"Hey don't feel so discouraged it was your first time."

Childe walked over to the arrow and picked it up off the ground.

"We'll keep practicing so chin up."

And we did just that.

I wasn't sure what time it was but we had been practicing for a long time.

After lots of tries, I managed to hit a rock that Childe picked out. My strikes weren't very powerful yet but I had done it and that was enough for me.

I was now lying on the ground exhausted. Childe had taken his bow back and was laying beside me.

"So much work," I mumbled rolling onto my side to look at him.

Childe let out a laugh and looked over at me. He was lying on his back with his arms spread out. He seemed to be just as tired as I was. It was probably from the running back and forth he had done to get the arrows.

"But you hit it."

I smiled giddily and nodded my head.

I had actually hit it.

My god it took so long, but Childe was so proud.

I let out a small yawn and curled up into my coat.

"I think we can call it a night," Childe said yawning back.

"Yea night time."

Childe turned over on his side.

"Move a bit closer the fire will keep you warm."

I moved a bit closer to Childe. I could feel the warmth of the fire now.

"See outside is not so bad." His eyes were softer and then he closed his eyes.

I didn't respond I only closed my eyes and gave in to the incoming sleep.

The next morning Childe and I were back to walking. Ever so often we'd stopped for a break and he'd make me practice holding and using his bow. I was getting better with each shot but I was still far from perfect.

We were currently sitting on some rocks eating lunch. The snow had died down a bit into a few snowflakes.

"In a few days, we'll be heading along a merchant's route. Maybe if we're lucky we'll be able to find you a weapon."

I was excited to find my own bow. Chide's was beautiful but I couldn't keep using his forever. I wanted my own something just as nice as his.

"You think they'll have any like yours?" I asked taking a bite from some bread Childe had in his bag.

He laughed with a smile, "I'm not sure this bow wasn't something a merchant would be able to get. It would be rare to find something nice for now we just need something."

This made me feel a little disappointed but he was right. Until we got to somewhere that had bows I really only needed a bow that worked. If I could fire a shot I'd be fine probably.

"Wait a minute one problem." I scratched the back of my head and he seemed confused.

"I'm uh flat broke..."

Childe laughed again and gave me a pat on the head.

"Don't worry I was going to buy it, but do you really have nothing?"

I looked down at my pockets.

"Not a cent," I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

He only sighed with a smile.

"The Tsaritsa will pay you well once you start doing more jobs. I mean this isn't charity work after all."

I had totally forgotten about that. I wiggled in excitement at the thought. I was going to be rich, but for now, that was Childe's job.

I ate my last bit of food and stretched my arms out.

"Shall we do some more practice?" Childe stood up on the rock and looked out down below.


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