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I finally got my shower when we returned. My old clothes we would have to leave behind because according to Childe we'd be travelling on foot.

I wasn't looking forward to that but it could be worse.


The dress was a bit long and her coat dragged on the floor behind me but they were clean clothes so who was I to complain.

I walked out of the bathroom. Childe was already packed and ready to go.

"Woah you look even smaller now." He said in amazement.

I sent him a glare and crossed my arms.


Childe smiled and placed a bag in my hand.

"Let's get going. I hope you're alright with sleeping outside because that's all we'll have for the next few days."

I peeked inside the bag.

There was water, food, a blanket, and a few other necessities.

Wait a minute did he say outside?

"Sleeping outside like with the bugs?" I asked cringing at the idea.

Childe nodded his head and I shook my own.

"But what about spiders...?"

If it weren't obvious enough I hated spiders. I mean dreaded them. If I saw one anywhere it was over.

"Sorry, but there won't be any place near so we've got no choice."

I groaned and nodded my head.

This was going to be horrible.

"It'll be alright it's not that bad really. The bugs stay away for the most part." He said reassuringly.

Though I wasn't sure it was making the idea any better.

"Come on. If we want to make it in the next while we need to get a head start."

"Alright alright."

I didn't bother to try and put my backpack on. With these clothes, I'd be struggling a lot.

Childe made sure everything was packed and then we headed out.

I put the hood of my coat over my head before we went outside. As usual, the snow was blowing. I could barely see anything outside.

"Stay close in weather like this you might get lost."

When Childe opened the door my whole body shivered.

Holy shit!

It's god damn cold!

Even with all these clothes I was going to freeze to death.

Childe exited the building and I followed closely behind him.

I held onto my backpack tightly the wind threatening to blow it away.

I seriously could not see.

The only reason I was still able to follow Childe was due to his orange hair. In the midst of all this white, it stuck out.

I had a hard time walking. Unlike him, I wasn't used to this weather but it's not like he knew that.

We walked and walked.

The snow didn't get any better. I bumped right into something and fell on my ass.

Groaning I kicked my feet.

Stupid fucking nation!!!

I hugged my backpack tighter and looked around.

Wait a minute.

I couldn't see Childe.

Oh no oh no no no...

I jumped up from the ground and began to sprint forward.

"Childe?" The wind carried my voice away with it.

I couldn't see anyone or hear much either.

Oh god, this was bad.

"CHILDE!" I shouted even louder hoping somehow he'd hear me.

I stopped running. It was probably a bad idea eventually I'd run straight into a wall, but right now I had bigger problems.

So I walked around. Calling out his name every so often.

I hoped he'd find me. If any of the others did they'd probably think I was trying to make a run for it and I definitely didn't need them to think that.

Taking in a deep breath I shouted out once more,


Something grabbed onto my shoulder and I screamed.

My heart leapt out of my chest and I swung my body around.

"Hey hey, it's okay!" He said soothingly grabbing onto my shoulders.

"Holy hell," I whispered.

Relief washed over me at the sound of his voice.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize you weren't used to this weather."

"Yea... I should have told you..." I mumbled guiltily.

Childe sighed and let go.

"It's not your fault. Let's go on."

Childe turned his back to me and I reached out to grab his coat.

He turned his head back and I blushed in embarrassment.

"I don't want to lose you again."

This made him smile and he brought a hand forward. I flinched when he moved it above my head. He rubbed the top of my head and laughed.

"You're adorable."

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