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I waited a bit until I was sure they were gone and hurried through the halls.

I dodged as many guards as I could and tried to stay absolutely hidden. I wasn't sure I could respect the Tsaritsa's wishes. If it came down to it and I had to fight to save him I would and if she didn't like that she could punish me for it. I was getting a bit desperate now. Especially after hearing that the hydro archon was on her way. If she got there first things would get even more difficult.

I found my way back to the cells. I used one of the barrels down there to hide and peeked out. I could see the cells down the hall and one specifically had a large group of guards standing by.

"Hey come on buddy you better start talking." One of the guards said into the cell.


He didn't say a word. I couldn't see him from here but I knew it was him.

"Forget it. Just wait for the hydro archon to arrive. He won't say a word."

There was another reason Childe couldn't speak. If he did they might find out his identity.

She really did pick the worst harbinger to "not make a mess".

I reached behind my back and took the bow off.

"She's here!"

My eyes shot open and I grabbed an arrow from my side.

Time was up.

I could hear the light sound of heels clicking against the ground.

I popped up from my spot in the barrels and put the arrow in place. I sucked in a breath and let geo-energy flow into the arrow. Then I shot it.

The arrow flew in the middle of the group of guards and geo exploded around them. Some guards flew back while others held their own. I ran out from my spot while they were distracted and grabbed another arrow. This one collected electro energy. I threw the arrow straight toward them and the sound of heels grew quicker.

The guards that were previously standing fell to the ground as the electro-energy shocked them.

I grabbed another arrow with Geo and slammed it into the lock of his cage.

Childe was up in seconds. He passed by me swiftly and there was a bang.

He grunted and I looked to the side.

There was a woman. In her hands was a glowing sword and her eyes flashed a beautiful blue.

"So there are two of you rats huh?"

Childe's spear wavered against her sword and he pushed her back. She jumped back and raised her sword up. A huge amount of water began to collect at the top of it and then she swiped her sword downwards.

I dropped to the ground and slammed my fist against the ground. A wall shot up blocking us both but the water managed to pierce a hole through it. I felt my heart drop and I looked back at Childe. He was taking care of the guards who were recovering.

I picked up another arrow and shot it through the hole.

I didn't do much. She easily deflected the arrow with her sword and rushed forward. With one swipe she destroyed the wall and rushed at me. My heart skipped a few beats and I raised my hand up and sent a bolt of electro straight for her. She seemed to be caught off guard for a moment as she dodged my attack. She must have realized that I had used more than one element.

I felt someone tug at my arm and I turned back.

"Let's go."

Childe tugged me down the hall but she chased after us. I sent another few bolts of electro at her as we ran but she avoided them all.

I raised my hand up again this time sending electro striking downward. This made it a bit harder for her to dodge and she slowed down a bit. Some of the guards who were previously down were back up and chasing right behind her.

"How are the guards upstairs?" Chidle asked as we ran.

"There's too many we can't go through the front but if we can make it up the stairs there's an exit right there," I whispered.

Childe nodded and we kept on.

Someone must've recovered enough to sound the alarms because they began to blare.

I kept up the attack. Sending electro down and throwing geo stones as much as I could. Childe shot a few arrows as we ran.

"Just wait till I catch you!" She shouted her temper seeming to get worse.

She stopped in the middle of the hall and brought her sword back up. Water began to form again but this time even more of it collected.

"Childe she's doing that thing again !" I whispered nervously.

There were creatures floating around the ball of water now and she brought her sword down again. The water shot toward us and the creatures followed.

Childe pushed me forward and into the side. He turned around and summoned both of his spears. Holding his ground he let the attack hit him. The attack pushed him back his feet scrapping against the ground. He tried his best to hold it back.

I got up off the ground and rose my hands. I collected as much electro as I could in my hands before throwing it toward the water. Childe jumped out of the way and the two attacks clashed.

I knew my electro wouldn't be enough to stop it all but we used the chance to get away.

The attack smashed into the wall behind us creating a huge hole and we were back to running.

The staircase was in sight now and there were guards coming right down it.

Childe changed to his bow and fired multiple shots. Some guards were hit while others jumped out of the way.

I sent electro strikes down at them and we passed the guards who were groaning in pain.

"IDIOTS!!" The hydro archon shouted as we ran up the stairs.

A guard came down the stairs and Childe grabbed onto them. Tossing them over us the guard flew to the bottom.

"To the right," I whispered.

We made it up the top of the stairs and there it was.

The exit was right there.

A smile passed my lips. Childe moved in front of me kicking the door open and turning to look back at me.

There was a smile on his face as he spoke, "You ready?"

With a smile, I nodded my head.

Childe grabbed onto my hand and we made it out the door and into the sunshine.

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