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My body felt heavy as I moved around. A pout formed on my lips and I tried to stretch, but my moving was restricted by something soft.

My eyes flew open upon one realization.

I was one hundred percent certain I had fallen asleep in the snowy streets.

At least I thought I had.

But right now I was covered in soft blankets and in someone's room.

I sat up from the bed and looked down at the blankets.

Okay this is fine...

But where am I?

I looked around the room and my soul almost left my body.

My eyes stopped on a nearby chair where a man sat patiently waiting.

Not just any man.

The Ninth of the Harbingers, Pantalone.

"Good morning." He said in a soft tone.

"Uh good morning." I responded.

I looked around the room again.

So it was him who had found me last night.

"You must be confused."

I looked back over at Pantalone.

He gave a soft smile and continued, "This is my place you're in. I found you last night passed out on the street. We met earlier that day though not under the best of circumstances. Lets try this again shall we... my name is Pantalone and who might you be?"

I blinked a few times.

Was he trying to pretend as if that hadn't happened yesterday...?

Wait a minute...


"What time is it??" I asked jumping out of bed and hurrying to a nearby window.

I shoved the curtains aside and bits of light shun inside. There was still a light snow outside but the sky was no longer as dark.

"The afternoon."

The chair squeaked and I felt as he approached me from behind.

Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now