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The phone clicked signalling the end of the conversation.

Then his footsteps sounded. I was frozen in my spot as he appeared from the other side of the door.

Pantalone shook his head and sighed.

"Miss Y/N."

I gave him an awkward smile.

"You don't need to sneak around my house. I've already told you that you may go where you please. I must say I am surprised. I never would have suspected someone with such a young looking appearance could be so perceptive."

I rose an eyebrow, "I'm going to pretend you didn't mention that. So, if I wanted to I could go inside that room?" I asked pointing toward the room he had just emerged from.

Pantalone nodded.

I walked past him and straight into the small office room. He followed behind me only watching from the door as I began to look through the room.

Maybe if I were lucky I'd find a secret stash of mora.

I began to rummage through his office. Opening different drawers and cabinets anything that looked important.

"If you make a mess you'll be cleaning it up." Pantalone said from the door.

"Yea yea."

This would also help me to hopefully get more information on him or anyone else in Snezhnaya. I'm sure he wouldn't just leave important stuff lying out for people to find but maybe he had a secret room or something.

I closed the drawer shut and approached one of the walls. Knocking on the wall I could hear it was hollow.

Before I got too excited I realized it may just be the room next door.

Backing away from the wall I returned to his desk and began to look through his documents.

Contracts... contracts... and more contracts.

Wow this man really knew how to make deals.

I leaned back in the chair and began to read through one of them.

And he knew how to screw people over.

I had spent the next hour or two looking through his papers. By the time I was finished I was exhausted again.

Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now