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"I told you you're hearing things." A voice said right outside the cell.

"But I swear I heard people. Damn I guess I am getting old." Another replied with a grunt.

And then the footsteps disappeared. The thumping grew louder and I realized it was to sound of stairs. I looked up at Childe and he let out a sigh.

"Lets try to be very quiet from here out." He said in a soft whisper right against my ear.

I could feel his hot breath near me and all I could do was nod.

He let go of me and stepped toward the broken door to examine the hallway. When he was certain it was clear he motioned for me to follow.

We walked silently toward the staircase. This must have been the same one those men went up.

I gave him a questionable look but he only nodded and kept on. He was a lot quieter up the steps. For whatever reason I managed to hit every part that squeaked. Childe kept looking back at me asking me with my eyes to be quiet, but it wasn't my fault.

When we reached the top Childe stuck his head out and then quickly moved back in the staircase.

"There will be more guards here. Follow me do not stop for anything."

"Okay." I whispered in return.

He took in a small breath and then looked back out. He looked back at me one last time to make sure and I nodded.

With that confirmation he took off.

I followed behind him. He was quick. The first place he went to were some nearby barrels. We ducked down and using the cracks observed as much as we could.

There were guards. They seemed to be walking up and down the halls. These halls had better lighting than the ones downstairs but not by much. The cells were lined in similar ways and I could already see a few people waiting within them.

When the next set of guards passed our spot we snuck out and hurried down the hall.

"She should be around the end." He whispered.

We hurried down the hall praying nobody would look back at us or hear.

My heart was going even faster than before. At any moment we could be caught and if we were the whole plan would fail.

As we made it halfway across the hall two guards stepped into view at the end. Childe grabbed my hand and swiftly moved into a nearby open cell.

I put a hand on my chest.

Holy shit.

That was way way too close.

I looked up at Childe. He seemed to be just as relieved as I, but definitely not as scared. I couldn't imagine how many times hes done this before.

We waited for the footsteps to walk by. Childe stuck his head out the door and then pulled me out with him. We didn't run this time the guards were way too close. So we speed walked down the hall and I kept my eyes behind us making sure nobody would turn around.

Childe dragged me to the end of the hall and we stopped in front of a cell. This one was bigger and darker than the others. I looked back out behind us. The guards were reaching the end of the hall and were going to turn around.

"Childe." I whispered.

"I know. I know I'm thinking." His eyes darted around the cell and the surrounding area.

We didn't have anywhere to hide now. Either we got inside or we got caught.

Childe took his blade from his pocket and I watched as it flashed blue. Swinging his arm down he stabbed the blade into the lock and it snapped.

Childe grabbed onto me and threw us both inside.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I hit the ground. He went down with me and using his foot he pulled the door shut.

We laid flat on the floor neither of us daring to move. It was dark in here those guards wouldn't notice if there were people on the ground but they might notice more people walking around.

There were footsteps but this time it was not the guards. They were lighter, smaller, and they were in this cell.

A small voice whispered out, "Childe...?"

I looked up as Childe did.

And there she was.


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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now