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The enthusiastic owner waved goodbye to us on our way out.

I was in a good mood now.

The man seemed like he genuinely was telling the truth and knowing he had a bit more time made me feel better.

I looked up at Pantalone who walked beside me. His face as unreadable as always. I couldn't tell if his smiling was real or not.

Pantalone casted a glance in my direction and I averted my eyes.

"Y/N..." He began to speak, "Try not to run me broke alright?"

I glanced back up at him, "But he looked like he really needed the time... plus you're rich."

Pantalone continued to smile, "I'm only teasing you. I am not that heartless Y/N. However, our next client is not one who you'll need to spare any pity for."

His eyes hardened for a moment and I felt goosebumps crawl up my arm.

"What kind of people do you loan money too?" I whispered under my breath.

Surprisingly he answered, "All sorts of people. Everyone should be allowed at least one chance no?"

I tilted my head, a little shocked from the words that came out of his mouth.

"You're right." I responded.

"I'm glad we agree."

We continued down the street. Pantalone turned down an alleyway and then moved a little closer.

"You'll want to be careful going down these alleys. They don't usually take kindly to women."

I could feel a few eyes drift my way and I knew we must have been getting close to our next destination.

We walked further down the alley and Pantalone stopped at a backdoor. Opening it up he gestured for me to go inside. I went in with him following behind me. There was an odd stench in the air. The building was run down and parts of the ceiling were hanging off.

I looked back at Pantalone with a questionable expression.

He remained the same so I went on until we reached another door.

This time I could hear voices coming from beyond it. People were laughing and shouting. It sounded like the obnoxious kind.

Pantalone knocked lightly on the door and the room went dead silent.

I could feel my heartbeat pick up and my instincts were telling me these weren't good people.

I listened as the sound of light footsteps approached the door. In an instant it swung open and I froze.

Pressed against my forehead was the barrel of a gun.

"Who the fuck— Oh the other hooker nice—"

Before he had time to react I summoned electricity in my hand and sent a fist full of it for his gut.

Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now