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The walk up the stairs to the high court was nerve-racking.

Each step made my heart beat a little faster.

The guard noticed me when I was close enough. I pulled the ID up and with a friendly smile, I handed it over.

The guard began checking it over, "Nice day isn't it." He said initiating the conversation.

I nodded my head, "Yes it is. Thank the archons for this heat."

I watched him carefully ready to move in case I was found out.

"Yea, it's a nice change that's for sure." He replied with a laugh.

The guard looked back up at me my smile still present.

"Well, here you are ma'am have a nice day." He handed the ID back to me and my smile grew.

"You as well," I said as I walked by him.

I walked through the front doors of the high court. It was indeed a sight to behold. The hydro archon sure had good taste.

The inside of the court was just as beautiful as the outside. White walls with accents of gold and blue scattered throughout the place. The ceilings were huge and some parts even had large statues.

I shook my head to focus.

I wasn't here for sightseeing.

I had to find Childe.

There was a small shelf with maps by the front entrance and I picked one up to look inside. The map showed the main areas of the court specifically this floor. There were only two exits in this place. One here at the front and another at the back. That might have been the one Paimon had mentioned earlier. If I could find it I may be able to find my way back down to the lower level.

I scanned around the area.

There were guards all over. Stationed by doors and wandering the halls. This would be really tricky.

I started my way down the hall. Making sure to smile at those passing by and stop to look at some other rooms in the court.

The guards didn't seem to be paying that close attention to those around them. Especially with the people who seemed to be entranced by their surroundings.

I was getting closer to the exit now. It was just around the corner. I leaned against the wall pretending to look at one of the paintings. I peeked down the hall and the exit door was there. There were only two guards near that area.

I needed some sort of distraction...

I looked around the area. There were a few citizens around.

I felt my heart skip a beat.

I had an idea but it wasn't a nice one.

I was really on a roll with great ideas today...

But after what I did earlier what was one more wrong thing?

A pair walked right by me and as they did I stuck my foot out. One of the girls tripped right over my foot and fell flat onto the ground. There was a loud thump and the guards looked over. The girl on the ground began to cry and her friend dropped down beside her. The guards looked at one another and then rushed over.

I took this as my chance to slip by. I moved past the small crowd forming and hurried to the exit. My heart leapt with joy as I noticed the spiral staircase leading down. I slipped the mask from my pocket and placed it on my face before running down.

I listened carefully as I hurried. My heart was going a mile a minute.

Childe would probably be held in one of the newer cells if he hadn't gotten out already. I still needed to be careful though.

I made it down and recognized my surroundings. This was the same area we had found previously. I could hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs below me and I remembered where I was.

I started down the long hallway running as fast as I could. I could hear people by the end of the hall and my running halted with a screech.

"What was that?"

My heart thumped and I looked around. There was a room so I snuck inside of it and held my breath.

"Huh, there's nothing here."

I put a hand over my mouth and waited.

"Just be careful. They caught someone earlier. They think he might've helped the two prisoners escape but they can't get him to talk. Apparently, the hydro archon is on her way."

My heart stopped.

The hydro archon?

Oh fuck we really didn't have time then.

"She's pretty pissed too. From what I hear this guy might not even get a trial if she blows up on him." One of the guards laughed.

My stomach sank and I bit my lip.

I needed to save Childe.

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