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I had returned home earlier than I would have liked, but it was for a good reason.

Tonight I'd head out to see what I could find on this women.

But before I did any of that I wanted to find Pantalone.

I didn't plan to inform him about the snooping I'd be doing but I did want to find out what he knew about her.

I searched around the house but as per usual Pantalone was still nowhere to be found. There was only one more place I could think of to go find him.

His art room.

He had been spending an awful lot of time there lately.

Not that I minded. It meant I could sit down and paint with him after a stressful day of chasing people around.

I hurried down the hallway and finding the doors I pushed them both wide open. Light shun into the room revealing Pantalone who sat perfectly still a brush in hand.

Upon opening the doors he turned his head back. His serious expression turned into a smile and he motioned to the seat beside him.

Smiling in return I walked in letting the doors swing back behind me. I took a seat beside him as he covered the painting.

"Still being secretive?" I asked playfully.

"Would it be surprising if I were?"

I shook my head, "It would be more surprising if you weren't."

He chuckled at this and placed his brush down.


The name made my heart flutter and I hummed.

His gentle hand grabbed the side of my face and he pulled my head forward. His lips placed a soft chaste kiss on my own before he backed up.

"You seem troubled."

My smile fell a bit.

I thought I had hid my expression rather well, alas it seemed nothing got past him.

"I guess you could say I still have a few things that are bothering me."

His expression shifted. He was more alert than he had been a few moments prior.

"Do tell? Perhaps I can help."

I let out a sigh.

I needed to be careful about how I worded this so I didn't tip him off to my plan.

"Well how do I put this... I guess that woman has been bugging me a bit. I'm not worried but she seems to be scheming something. So I wanted to know more about her to better prepare myself for anything that may come."

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