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I wasn't sure what time it was now.

The sun had gone down and the storm was beginning to get worse.

I hadn't seen Dottore or any of the others since.

I was beginning to get very tired. My body ached and I had slowed down a lot.

I needed to rest somewhere. I couldn't keep running any longer. I tripped over my own feet and landed in the snow.

My body was also beginning to freeze. I must have been getting frostbite. I took a heavy breath on the ground and lifted my head.

There was a cave nearby.

I pushed myself off the ground. My arms shaking as I tried to keep myself steady. Unfortunately I found myself falling back down.

I let out a huff and grabbing onto the ground I dragged myself forward. It took me a bit of crawling but I managed to get inside the cave. It was a little warmer than the outside.

Curling up into a ball and held my legs. I just needed to warm up a bit maybe sleep. For now I couldn't escape not in this condition.

As I laid on the ground I finally caught my breath. My breathing was once more steady but my body was still way too cold.

One of my hands wandered to the floor and I shot a rock from the ground to block the cave entrance.

At least the cold wind wouldn't hit me now.

My hand returned to my leg and I closed my eyes.


Id get some rest and then continue on.

The next morning I woke up freezing. In all honesty the cold had kept me up most of the night.

I hugged my arms as I sat up off the hard ground. My bones and muscles ached but I wasn't as cold as yesterday. Some energy had returned to me.

But something about the cave had changed. There were lights flickering around me. Getting up off the ground I made my way towards the light.

My heart beat increased a bit.

Could someone have found me?

It didn't take me looking to realize I was wrong. A sparkling orange light caught my eye.

It was floating in the air and was warm?

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