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After our tea Pantalone had given me a tour of his home. For one man living alone it was very large. What he needed all this space for was beyond me, but I wouldn't complain as I'd also be staying here. The room I had woken up in earlier would be mine for the meantime.

Pantalone had left me outside on the front porch while he returned to his work.

I sat outside on a small white swing on the porch. The snow fell and I slowly swung back and forth. My cloak still stayed snuggly around me. It was cold out here but I didn't really want to be inside right now.

There was just so much on my mind and I hadn't had the chance to really think about it all.

I was now stuck in Snezhnaya with a man who wanted to take every last bit of mora I would own in the future.

I understood now why he was a Harbinger. He was cunning and he knew how to speak with people. Someone like that was dangerous. One thing I did not know however was what sort of a power he had. He didn't seem to have a vision but he might have still had a delusion.

I definitely couldn't out wit him. So that option was off the table.

He had said something about hard work earlier. I realized I might have to do work for the fatui but what would I do with him? If all he did was numbers and finance stuff I was out of luck. I knew nothing about stuff like that. If I had known I would have been as rich as him in my own world.

I let out a sigh and leaned back into the swing.

I reached a hand out and a small snowflake fell on it. I watched the snow dissolve in my hands and I stood up.

Pantalone had said I could go anywhere in the house as long as I didn't leave the gate.

So I wandered over to his yard and plopped down in the snow.

Snow flew up around me and I laid down on my back.

What would I do while I was here? I'm certain he'd make me do some sort of work. Joining the fatui meant I'd have to further the Tsaritsa's goals. Just because I had these unique abilities didn't mean they'd let me sit. I was certain she'd use me as much as she could.

I waved my arms around in the snow making a snow angel.

When I sat up I could see the outline of the snow angel I had made.

But there was something else I had just noticed as well.

Someone was watching me.

I tilted my head to look up at the building and spotted Pantalone by a window. His arms were crossed and his expression was blank. He seemed to he staring right at me.

When he realized I was looking back he turned away and left.

He must not have trusted me. Not that I blamed him.

I giggled to myself.

But maybe if I tried to escape he'd have to run after me. Mister calm and confident all frazzled. That would be a funny sight to behold.

Stepping away from my work of art I headed back for the house.

I shook myself off before going back in and closed the door behind me.

I looked down at my cloak. It was soaking now.

With a sigh I flipped back my hood and dropped the cloak off my shoulders.

I hadn't realize before but his house was very warm.

Deciding to do some searching I wandered around the house for a bit.

After looking around a bit more for myself I could hear Pantalone in a room nearby.

I approached the door which was already opened and peeked inside.

Pantalone was in the room sitting on an armchair by the window. In his hands he held what looked like a phone. Though it was a bit different from the ones at home he seemed to be talking with someone.

"No, I've already told you thats all you're getting. Don't try to sweet talk more mora out of me."

I bent a little closer.

Someone wanted mora out of him?

And he was actually providing it?!

"Enough about that. Yes its true the Tsaritsa has left her with me. No you may not use her as a test subject. What I plan on doing with her? Its nothing you need to worry about, but I do have some ideas..."

I took a step back and his eyes snapped in my direction.

I moved out of the way from the door and put a hand to my heart. It was beating faster than usual.

"Perhaps. Now if you excuse me I think I have a bit of a mouse problem."

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now