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I was completely stunned by his actions.

My heart was going to beat through my chest and if I wasn't careful he'd hear it.

I opened my eyes.

Pantalone had already stepped away and returned to his painting. Picking up a cover nearby he draped it over the painting before looking back in my direction.

"You're staring." He said letting out a soft chuckle.

"And you kissed me." I whispered.

"That I did."

My brain was still computing everything. Trying to fit the pieces together.

"Are you teasing me again?" I asked crossing my arms.

Pantalone rolled his eyes, "No. I just thought I'd stake my claim before you got too cozy with anyone else."

My brain managed to sort it and I laughed.

"Were you jealous of Dottore??" I asked a big smile growing on my face.

Pantalone stiffened up a bit and crossed his own arms.

"Ah... perhaps that is the right word after all."

I laughed some more not able to hide my smile.

A soft shade of pink dusted his face and he rubbed his temple.

"Oh man if thats all it was going to take for you to do that I should spend some more time with—"

Pantalone walked back over to me.

"I'm joking!! Im joking— EEP!" He grabbed onto my chin and pulled it forward.

"There is no need to speak another mans name while you're around me." The color of his eyes grew a deeper shade of purple and chills traveled up my spine.

So hes the possessive type. That wasn't too surprising given how he behaved already.

I decided to tease him a little further, "What if you're not around then can I?"

His eyebrow twitched, "You really know how to push my buttons don't you."

I grinned, "Can't a girl have a bit of fun?"

Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now