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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

The amount of sexual tension in the room was unbearable. I felt as if I had stopped breathing my eyes couldn't look away from him.

Something between us had just changed and it seemed both of us knew it.

Dottore didnt look away from me either im sure underneath that mask he was waiting for my next move.

I didn't want to know how red my face was now.

"You are a wild man."

His smirk didn't fade and he leaned forward. He was so close to my face that I could feel his breath against my lips.

"Some might even say a monster."

He smiled that wicked grin his pointy teeth showing. His eyes were probably just as crazed.

"Well Dottore..." I said lowly making sure he could feel the tension, "Good luck with your love life if you keep doing god knows what to those girls rumours will spread."

Dottore tsked in reply.

"There are tons of ladies waiting, I have options."

I couldn't help but giggle at that one.

"Not as many as Pantalone has."

That seemed to irritate him.

He gave me an icy stare before rolling his eyes, "Just because Pantalone doesn't show his insanity to the public doesn't mean its not there.  Trust me my darling he is no saint either."

My heart skipped a beat from the pet name and Dottore leaned back to take another sip of his wine.

"Is that a warning?" I asked a bit suspicious.

A quick grin stretched across his face, "Take it however you'd like, but hes just as much as a monster as I am. Of course I'm a lot worse but I'm sure hes already warned you."

I wouldn't exactly say Pantalone warned me, but he did offer to allow me to stay with him.

"That reminds me of the offer Pantalone made me."

Dottore froze for a brief second before slowly placing his glass down. His eyes were fixated on me watching me closely.

"Offer?" His voice had a hint of malice.

It sent a shiver down my spine but I composed myself.

Faking innocence I tapped my chin in thought.

"Yes thats right something about if Dottore gets out of hand his doors are open."

He clenched his teeth but nodded his head.

"Is that so?"

I could really hear the anger now.

"Yes very kind of him."

Dottore cackled, "Theres not a kind bone in that mans body. It would do you good to avoid him."

"Hmmm no he seemed very kind. Maybe I'll go spend the night with him."

His eyebrows lowered and pulled closer together as his eyes pierced into my own.

I looked away from him and got up off the floor. Stretching my arms out I looked towards the front door.

"Well good night Dottore."

I began to walk away.

I wasn't really going to stay with Pantalone nor did I have an interest in doing so.

"Wait a minute."

His chair creaked as he got up from it.

I was still heading towards the front door but planned to go to my own room when I was finished teasing him.

"You're kidding right?—"

And then there was a knock.

I stopped moving but Dottore didn't. He came up behind me and looked down at me before walking by. When he stopped in front of the door rather than opening it he locked it further.

"Wait what are you?"

"What do you want Pantalone its late." Dottore called out interrupting me.

A shiver ran down my spine.

"Well I was just in the neighbourhood and I t-thought I'd stop by. No room for me to stay the night?"

"Fuck off and go home."

Something was telling me I didn't want to stick around for this.

I glanced over at my door and slowly began to move towards it.

I held my breath.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I approached my room.

"No I don't think so. You're not getting away yet."

A small squeak left my mouth when Dottore grabbed my arm.

He leaned down a bit so his mouth was close to my ear.

"Look at that hes here. Do you still want to go with him?"

I could feel something. The energy had shifted when Dottore raised his voice at Pantalone.

It felt almost suffocating.

"Um no I take it back now let go I want no part in this."

I shook my arm out of his grip and sneaked closer to the door.

There was another knock.

This time louder than the first.

"S-Seriously Dottore don't be such an ass—hic—"

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