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As the weeks had gone by I was slowly settling into my new life.

The contracts had gotten easier and Pantalone had begun to make me train my powers. The both of us recognized it would make my job a lot easier if I had better control. Especially when dealing with some of the not so pleasant clients.

So here I stood firing away at different objects.

Pantalone sat in a nearby chair looking up every so often from his papers.

A bit of ice formed in my hand and I sent it flying straight over my shoulder and toward him.

I glanced back at Pantalone. He only raised a finger and the icicles disappeared. It was like they had been sucked into the void. They had vanished without a trace.

That was something I had found out about Pantalone on accident.

One day while trying to gain better control I had accidentally sent a few flying in his direction. Pantalone hadn't expected it either and didn't have much time to think. That was the first time I had witnessed any of his power.

Pantalone looked up from his papers with a slight grin.

"You will not surprise me again."

I smiled, "We'll see."

I had tried a few times to see if he'd show anything more but unfortunately after that he had not slipped up again.

Another interesting thing I had learned is he had no vision. Which meant whatever it was he seemed to be doing was coming from something else. Maybe a delusion? But I hadn't seen that either.

Considering how closely him and Dottore worked it could be anything.

"Well if you're done then why don't we get going."

Pantalone put his papers down on the table and headed for the front door.

I followed after him and grabbed onto my cloak which was hanging up.

Pantalone slipped his gloves on and pulled the door open for me.

With a smile he gestured to the outdoors, "After you."

We walked the wintery streets of Snezhnaya.

The cold that was one thing I did not think I could ever get used to.

I shivered in my cloak and moved closer to Pantalone for warmth.

I saw his lips slightly raise in response.

"So what exactly do you need today?" I asked.

Pantalone went out often but he usually went to deal with business matters today however was different. Today he was out for personal reasons.

"I placed an order for a few things awhile ago. I figured today would be the day to get them."

I nodded my head and looked around as we walked.

The streets were filled with people as usual. Snezhnaya was a busy place. People always seemed to be coming and going.

"Is there anything you need to get while we're out?" Pantalone asked.

I thought for a moment, but shook my head.

"No. I'm alright for the meantime."

I hadn't actually needed to come out with Pantalone but it was much better than being stuck at home by myself.

It didn't take us long to arrive at our destination.

It was another small shop. Pantalone opened the door for me and I stepped inside.

The shop was a lot smaller than it looked. There were no items displayed throughout the place and instead at the back was a counter with a lady.

She smiled at our arrival and Pantalone stepped past me.

"Good afternoon." Pantalone said warmly to the lady.

A slight hint of pink rose to her cheeks, "Good afternoon sir. You're package is ready excuse me a moment."

She disappeared through a door behind her and I took another look around the place.

"So is this almost like a delivery center?"

"That is correct. I don't usually have time to go out and look about. So I simply order what I need."

The lady returned moments later with a small package.

"Here you are." She placed the package down on the counter and Pantalone carefully opened it.

I approached Pantalone looking down at him from behind.

Inside of the parcel were some paint brushes.

"Really?" I asked a bit surprised.

He ran his gloved finger along the brush.

"Yes. I do have my own hobbies after all."

My heart thumped.

Pantalone didn't know I had seen him that night and that door was usually left closed. Not just closed but locked. That day was the only day I had gotten a glimpse into it.

I smiled and bent down to look a little closer.

"They're very nice."

The brushes were dark with purple accents. Very similar to his own style of colors.

"Thank you." He wrapped the brushes back up and the lady handed him a bag.

"Have a good day miss."

The lady smiled at us and we headed for the front.

"I'd love to see some of your paintings." I commented watching him from the corner of my eye.

He let out a small chuckle, "We'll see."

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