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The inside of the lab was very dark. The doors slammed shut behind us alerting whoever was inside of our presence.

Dottore moved to the side of the door and flicked a switch.

Lights shun throughout the building and I looked around in awe.

The building was even bigger on the inside. It was filled with tons of lab equipment. In nearby corner I spotted a study desk filled with papers and devices I hadn't seen before. Around it there were more tables with flasks and beakers. In the centre of the room was a large cage. When I say large I mean it was huge. There was nothing inside of it at the moment.

"What is that?" I asked pointing towards the cage.

Dottore smiled, "Its where I keep some of my bigger and more dangerous experiments."

I shivered at the thought and he laughed.

"Show yourself you thief." Dottore called out.

I rose an eyebrow but his smile stayed.

"Theres only one way into the place and we are standing in front of it."

There was a rustling nearby and I shot my head to the left.


There was a lot of them.

It was the perfect hiding place.

Dottore walked towards his desk and picked up a glove sitting there.

"Oh I haven't been able to test this yet. This should be fun."

He placed the glove on his hand and flexed it a few times before walking forward. Dottore stopped a bit ahead of me and pointed his hand at the boxes.

As he lifted his hand the boxes began to rise as well. I watched again in wonder.

He swiped his arm and the boxes went crashing towards a nearby wall. The sound of glass echoed throughout the lab and someone had appeared from behind the boxes.

They stared in absolute horror at Dottore.

"Ah look a mouse."

The man reacted and began to run further into the place.

Dottore pointed his hand towards the man and he tripped to the ground. The man struggled as Dottore pulled him towards us. His nails scrapped into the ground and he groaned.

As the man got closer he stopped struggling. Dottore tossed him up into the air and he was hanging by his feet.

He was a young man but that wasn't what caught my immediate attention.

He had a vision.

The unknown man pushed his hand forward and I barely had time to react. A flash of lightning came from his hand and I slammed my fist into the floor. A rock shot out of the floor and stopped the electro before it could touch Dottore.

Dottore swung his hand down and the man crashed into the floor. My rock disappeared and I moved forward to look at him.

The ground underneath the man cracked a bit and he attempted to stand up.

Lightning struck around him but Dottore still had his hold.

He lifted the man back up and blood was dripping down his face.

"You've got some explaining to do."

The man didn't speak.

Dottore threw him back to the ground.

"Trap him."

I tapped my finger and a wall of rocks surrounded him. There was no room for escape.

Dottore walked towards the large cage in the centre of the room and opened the doorway. He walked inside and I could hear the sound of metal clanging.


When he came back out he made his way over.

The chains were now floating in the air by some of his blue strings. When the rocks around the man crumbled Dottore grabbed ahold once more.

He threw the man towards the cage and the chains locked around his wrist.

My heart was thumping in my chest as the cage door slammed and locked. The man struggled in the air and Dottore finally brought his hand down.

"You vision users are so irritating."

The man only growled and Dottore approached the cage. I followed after him.

"You took a few things that were mine."

The man only cursed under his breath.

"Where are they?"

The stranger gritted his teeth and shook his head.

"Its gone..." He was quiet when he spoke.

"Gone?" Dottore asked in anger.

The man seemed to be scared now.

"I didn't know— I didn't know this was your lab!" He spoke a bit louder trying to defend himself.

"Well whos did you think it was? Who else would own this place?"

The mans hands shook lightly.

"Who has it."

"I... I can't—"

The man didn't even finish speaking. Dottore raised a hand and the strings tightened around him. One string slid along to his neck and wrapped around it.

The man gasped for air.

"You will. Unless you'd like to die for them."

Panic had set in and Dottore turned to look back at me.

"Come here its time I show you what it means to be my assistant."

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now