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We made it to the end of the sewer. I took my mask off and handed it to Lumine.

"Put this on and do not take it off. Paimon you'll need to hide in the jacket."

Lumine looked at me concern evident in her eyes. I only shook my head. Childe wanted me to get them somewhere safe so thats what I'd do.

I took my jacket off and handed it to Lumine.

"Wear this as well. They'll be able to tell by your clothes who you are."

Lumine nodded put on the mask and then the jacket. Paimon slipped inside of it and I began to climb up the nearby ladder.

"If we make it to the outskirts of town will the two of you be alright on your own?"

I pushed the cover up that was blocking our path. The moment I did light shun down on us all.

"Yes we will be fine. Thank you."

Pushing myself out of the hole I turned around to help Lumine out.

Unfortunately this passage led us back into the city. A back alleyway by the high court to be precise.

"From here out stay silent and follow me."

She nodded and we made our way down the alley.

Getting Lumine and Paimon out of the city appeared to be the easy part. Nobody questioned us even with the strange outfits. There were more guards but once we passed a certain point they became fewer.

We now stood just outside the city far enough away so nobody would see us.

"This is where we depart. You two should get going."

Lumine took the mask off her face and held it out.

"If you're going to save him you'll need this." She said with a half smile.

"Wait we aren't going to help?!" Paimon asked in surprise.

I chuckled, "You don't need to. Remember, hes my responsibility. If you went back to rescue him and were caught it would all be for nothing. So leave this to me."

I took the mask from her hand and she also returned my jacket. Putting on the jacket I put my mask inside of it.

"Thank you and please save him."

I nodded, "It was nice meeting you guys. I'm sure we'll meet again." And then I turned away.

Without looking back I walked onwards to save him.

I had thought about escape multiple times on our trip out of town, but every time I thought about leaving Childe behind I felt guilty.

He hadn't said a word when he was caught. He didn't rat us out and instead hid us from view.

Childe seems like the type who would help others if they needed it.

Something told me if I were in trouble Childe would come back for me too.

I had decided to put my mask on for the time being. Getting back in using our previous entrance would be impossible. This meant I needed a new one.

And I think I had the perfect one.

If I were going to be fatui I may as well start acting like one.

I lingered in one of the dark alleyways watching as people passed.

There was only one way in to the high court now.

I watched as a petite woman walked through the alley I was in.

My stomach began to fill with a nervous feeling, but there was no other options. My hands held a piece of glass I had found on the ground and as she passed by me I grabbed onto the back of her shirt and yanking her back into me I placed the glass against her neck.

"Scream and you die."

The woman went silent. I could feel her body shake in my grasp. The feeling in my stomach grew worse.

Please don't scream.

"Hand over your wallet and I'll let you go free. If you understand nod your head."

A few seconds later she cautiously nodded her head. I watched as she shakily reached her hand into her pocket and pulled out her wallet.

"Take your ID out and put the rest back in your pocket."

I could feel my own heart beginning to race as she took her ID out and returned the wallet to her pocket.

"If you scream after I let you go I will kill you. Do you understand?"

She nodded once more.

"Good. I'm going to let you go now. Walk slowly out the alley." I snatched the ID from her hand.

Then I removed the piece of glass from her neck and she very slowly walked to the other end.

I let out a sigh of relief.

My heart was still racing as I slowly backed away. I put the ID in a pocket and removed my mask.

This was the only way and unfortunately there was no way for me to get in without an ID. I was so lucky there were no pictures on these.

Turning away I looked back out the alley and up at the high court.

I had to go in through the front.

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