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The day had disappeared into night.

We were finally able to rest.

Childe had found a cave and was currently setting up a fire.

I sat inside huddled up in my coat as I waited for him.

When Childe returned he had some firewood in hand and a lighter.

He placed the wood down in the middle of the cave and began to get to work.

I wasn't sure the fire would last too long though.

The breeze from the open cave was drifting in.

Maybe I could use my powers to keep it going. It would do me some good to improve them. If I ever had to fight any of the fatui I'd need at least something.

I snuck up behind Childe while he was making the fire.

"Will it stay?"

Childe shivered in response but quickly recovered.

"Maybe. I'll just have to keep an eye on it." He replied flicking the lighter on.

I reached a hand out towards the lighter and the fire flickered. As I moved my finger the fire moved with it.

Childe and I both watched in awe.

I let the fire leave the lighter and moved it to the pile of wood. It lit up instantly and I moved closer to take in the warmth.

Hehe, the benefits of the elements.

"Let's hope this stays," Childe said putting his hands over the fire for heat.

"It will probably. Honestly, I'm not sure I've never tried it before."

He nodded his head and we both sat by the fire for a bit.

It stayed silent for a little while both of us just listening to the wind and snow. The fire had stayed steady thankfully.

As I sat there I realized I hadn't asked Childe much about himself. I mean technically I already knew stuff about him but hey maybe I'd learn more.

"So what about you do you live in Snezhnaya?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

Childe nodded his head, "Yes I don't live in the city like the others though. It's a small village by the sea with my family."

He smiled.

Childe really loved his family and did everything he could for them. That was something I found admirable about him. A man who was good to his family was a man I could trust.

"What about you? Any family in Mondstadt?"

I frowned at this and shook my head, "No. They're not around anymore."

Childes face fell, "I'm so sorry—"

I put a hand out and pressed a finger against his lips.

"Its alright it was a long time ago. So don't be sorry." I said giving him a smile.

He nodded with a faint tint of pink on his cheeks and I removed my hand.

I wasn't totally lying to him though. I didn't want to start this friendship, future relationship, or whatever this might be on pure lies. I felt as if I could trust Childe but I couldn't tell him everything not yet.

Back in my own world I had lost my parents a few years ago.

At first it hadn't been easy but I had gotten use to it. The silence had become comforting.

"Oh there was something else I wanted to ask." Childe said speaking up.

I hummed in response.

"Do you use any weapons? I didn't notice any on you and considering you only just realized you could use the elements..."

I was defenceless was that what he was trying to infer?

"No I have absolutely nothing but my own two hands." I replied looking down at them.

"Well I was thinking. If you're interested I could teach you how to use a weapon."

I looked up at Childe in awe.

"You'd teach me?"

He nodded and I could feel the excitement surging through me.

Ohhh this was going to be fun. I knew Childe was doing this because he probably just wanted to fight someone but still.

"Sure. I mean since you've joined the fatui that makes us comrades now. I'm sure if you really needed to you could use the elements but its probably safer for you to learn something else."

Thats right I had been forced to join this organization!

But he was probably right. I mean what if I lost this power one day then I'd really be fucked. Not to mention the fatui might not be the only people after me if they figured out I could use multiple elements and the powers of other people in this universe.

So really if you thought about it I was overpowered to the extreme. That is if I learned how to use these powers properly and with strategy.

"So whats my options?"

Childe sat in thought for a moment.

"I can either teach you how to use a bow, spear, or sword."

Those weren't bad options, but which one was for me.

To be honest I hated bows. Whenever there was a bow character I just avoided it unless I needed to use them. I always found it so difficult to use.

Spear or a sword would definitely be the easier option thats for sure.

But Childes weapon was a bow. Out of all the options a bow was probably the one he could teach me well. Especially since I knew I was bad with up front confrontations.

So then it was decided,

"I'll take the bow."

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