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Some more time had passed since we had been spied on at the cafe.

Whoever they were hadn't come back and we had no current leads.

Pantalone didn't seem to worried about it and assumed it was just a failed assassination attempt or something of the sort. Which to me was still pretty concerning.

But if he wasnt concerned then I figured I had no need to either.

I stretched my arms out and let out a small yawn.

I had just dealt another contract for Pantalone. This one was about a factory just outside of Snezhnaya that he was loaning to. It was a little surprising how far and fast they had fallen back on payments. This was a pretty successful factory as well so it had come as a surprise to everyone and Pantalone had urgently sent me to check on things.

I was able to get the missing payments but something still felt weird about it. If they had the money and seemed to be doing fine why were they holding back? All it would take was the snap of Pantalones finger and he'd crush them. This was a dangerous game they were playing.  I looked over the facility myself too. Snuck around a bit looked over their records but not much had changed.

Shaking my head I let it go.

It wasn't my issue to deal with. I just collected the mora I wasn't a detective.

I may have also swiped a few extra for myself again.

Id say when had I become such a thief? But I guess you did what you had to do to survive. Not that I was dying but I was still working for that man for free.

I played with some of the mora in my coat pocket as I walked down the streets of Snezhnaya.

It was the afternoon now and I was ready to get back home. Pantalone didn't seem to be too busy today either so maybe he'd have some time for me.

But first things first before I did anything else I needed food.

Scanning the streets I looked around for some place to stop.

However before I could find a nice little restaurant something else caught my attention. Specifically someone else. Someone I had no interest in seeing.

The moment my eyes landed on her she looked in my direction.

Her eyes shun a bit with a mischievous glint.

I huffed out an agitated sigh.

What was her name again...

Her little group of friends looked over in my direction. A few of them had scowls on their faces. Well this guarantees that little weasely bitch has been gossiping about me to them.

With a small grin on her face she headed toward me.

I crossed my arms in waiting.

This should be interesting..

"Hello Y/N." She said her grin growing.

"Ah whats your name again... Casandra? Caitlyn...?"

She cocked an irritated eyebrow and then rolled her eyes, "Katarina."

"Ahh yea yea the drunk who broke into my house."

Her face flushed in embarrassment and her friends gave me nasty looks.

"Don't feel too bad its not as if you ruined our mood. Once you were gone we just continued where we left off..." I said in a teasing manner.

She took a step closer her voice was a whisper, "You'll regret this. Do you understand? If you make a fool out of me I'll make sure you pay. I'm not sure where you came from or who you think you are but back off bitch."

She backed up a bit.

Her words didn't scare me.

"This is your only warning Y/N," She said a bit more loudly and confidently, "Stay away from whats mine. The Regrator and my father already made an agreement. So really you don't stand a chance. You're only his next conquest. I can wait in the end he'll come back to me."

"Why don't you try looking for another nice noble man? I could introduce you to some." One of her friends laughed.

I laughed in return, "No thank you. I like my men well.. like men should be. Not your prissy little princess boys."

I could see the irritation on the other girls face and that only made the others more angry.

"If you're so delusional to think Pantalone has any interest in you keep dreaming. Actually why don't you take your own advice and find a nice little noble who will fulfil your fantasies. Unfortunately it won't be Pantalone. Trust me if he had any interest in you you'd be able to tell. He's quite the possessive and jealous man I cant imagine what he'll do when he hears about our little encounter." I threatened.

She took a slight step back but her eyes flared with anger.

"Watch your back whore. I'm going to crush you." She hissed turning away and hurrying off.

Her friends followed after her and I let out a sigh.

I wasn't concerned over her threats, but it did make me think a little. All the small little strange things that had been happening could it have been because of her? I had seen her on other occasions while I was out with Pantalone but this was the first time she had actually approached me. Probably because I was alone.

After she was far enough away I felt that same feeling again.

Someone was watching.

I scanned the area in front of me and didn't see or sense anything. They must have been somewhere behind me.

Taking a few steps toward a nearby shop I leaned up against the wall pretending to adjust my coat.

I glanced behind where I just was but still there was nothing. It could have been anyone from the crowd of people around.

But now I was beginning to wonder if this Katarina girl had some part of it. She was up to something and I was going to find out what.

I hadnt ever given her my name either which meant she might have been doing some research. That wasn't good either. If she dug too deep she'd find something nobody needed to know.

But two could play at that game.

Id have to take her down before she found out anything. Screw what Pantalone said about her father.

Nobody had to know anything.

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