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We had finally arrived in Fontaine.

Or I should say the outskirts of Fontaine.

Child and I were still preparing to go inside. The awful winter weather had disappeared and now I didn't need this huge fluffy coat.

"We'll get a room and then we have a few things to do."

Childe was putting on more layers and his face was now covered by a fatui mask.

I on the other hand had no reason to hide myself. Nobody knew me here nor did they know I was working with the fatui.

So far all I could make of this was were here for a trial and Childe needed to stay hidden.

When Childe was done with his disguise we started walking towards town.

Fontaine was actually quite warm for being so close to Snezhnaya, but I guess the weather down here was pretty funny.

When we entered the city it was amazing. The buildings here were huge and most of the city was colored blue and white.

It looked so modern...

It was actually scary to see. There were tons of mechanical things all over the place but the biggest of all was a clock.

There was lots of space too. The buildings weren't cramped together and like Snezhnaya there were a lot of people wandering the streets.

"Come on." He tugged at my arm and I snapped out of my haze.

We wandered the city and I couldn't help but awe over everything.

Of course the god of justice lived in such a sparkling place.

Our stop was a big fancy building. The doors opened when we approached and I moved closer to Childe.

The inside was massive. There were people all over the place. It must have been a hotel.

We waited in line and eventually it was our turn.

Childe spoke with the lady at the reception desk and was handed a pair of keys.

"Room 412 have a good day sir."

Childe nodded his head and turned back to me.

"Don't worry it was two beds this time."

I grinned to myself.

One would have been fine.

I didn't say that out loud.

Nodding my head we went toward at elevator. Childe clicked for the fourth floor and up we went.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. It was just as elegant as the rest of the hotel. There was a white carpet along the halls and blue walls.

Childe stepped out first and I followed him.

We stopped in front of our room and he opened the door. The moment that door opened I ran in and jumped on the bed.

"Oh sweet lovely bed I missed you." I mumbled holding the pillow.

Days of sleeping outside... I would never forget that.

"It wasn't that bad."

I swung my head back with a glare, "Did you have a spider crawling up your arm while you were about to sleep? No? I didn't think so!" I shoved my head back into the blankets and my whole body relaxed.

Thankfully Childe had been there to move the scary thing but I did not get a wink of sleep that night.

He laughed in response and I could hear him dropping the layers of clothes.

I think I needed a nap now.

A long long nap.

"I'm going to take a shower. You should get ready too the trial starts soon and we have work to do."

I rolled my eyes and pushed myself out of the bed.

"So who are we rescuing?"

I looked over at Childe who was standing by the bathroom door. 

"A friend..." He mumbled a soft smile on his face.

I mean I guess Childe seemed like the type to have a lot of friends but who?

Childe snuck into the bathroom while I was thinking and I crossed my arms.

It couldn't have been a harbinger. He didn't seem like he got too much along with them not enough to consider them friends, well minus maybe a few.

But it didn't matter who it was. Childe was set on helping them which meant I would have to as well.

When Childe came back out of the bathroom he was in a fresh pair of clothes more suited for this weather.

"So now you need to explain more." I said crossing my arms.

Childe placed his bag down and made his way to the other bed. He sat down on it across from me.

"Alright you want to know why we're here?"

I nodded my head and he continued,

"A friend of mine is in trouble. So we are going to rescue them."

"Yes you said that but how is that fatui related and why am I involved?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well the Tsaritsa still needs her to make it to Snezhnaya so she's requested I make sure it happens."


My heart thumped.

"Um her who..?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me.

"Ah don't worry about it. You probably wouldn't know her anyways." Childe said with an awkward smile.

But something was telling me that wasn't true.

"Yea you're probably right..." I responded still in thought.

"Anyways lets go scout out the area." He got up off the bed and stretched his arms out.

I knew there was only one person who would eventually make it to Snezhnaya.

Which meant...

We were in for some trouble...

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