[💉] - Epilogue

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I hummed a satisfied sigh leaving my lips.

I was basking in the warmth of the sun. Finally, we had gotten out of that cold country. As promised Dottore took me to his house hidden away in the sun.

This place was a little different than his comfy cabin. In all honesty, I enjoyed the cabin's atmosphere a lot more but the sun made up for things here.

I wasn't sure what part of Teyvat we were in but that didn't matter much.

Right now I was lying in the sunshine out back.

This house was a lot more modern than his previous one; surprisingly, there was no lab equipment here. The house wasn't huge but it was still luxurious. The backyard on the other hand was giant. There was a pool, a hot tub, a garden, a swing set, and more. Which was odd considering Dottore barely went outside. At least not for personal reasons.

Right now I was lying on one of the hammocks.

He wasn't home today.

After staying around Dottore for so long I learned he was a complete workaholic. We had gone on a lot of trips together already. This man never rested. The rare days he did though were heaven. Once in a while he'd burn out and need a few days. During that time he'd just stay at the house with me and we'd be lazy together.

Another important thing to mention was our relationship. It was an odd one. He had never asked me out or declared me his girlfriend but he sure acted like an overprotective boyfriend. The day I had confessed things had changed. Dottore seemed unaware of how to act. I imagine it was probably because he had never had someone be so direct feeling-wise. Of course, girls fell for him all the time but most avoided him due to the aura he gave off.

It took him a while to adjust to the idea and once he realized what I had actually meant he became a bit possessive. He would usually refer to me as his and became extremely jealous when other men tried to flirt. It was so bad one time he killed a young man over it. I felt bad but how did they expect me to stop a bloodthirsty man?

When Pantalone would come to visit us he'd never leave the two of us alone. He'd always instruct me to stay by his side. When it was just the two of us he'd finally relax a bit.

It was nice when he wasn't so stiff and on guard. It made me feel like I could relax as well.

At the moment he was taking a trip to Snezhnaya. He hadn't explained much of the details but he'd be back hopefully soon.

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