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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

I shook my head in response and Dottore sighed.

"I'm surprised you got as far as you did."

He dropped down from the tree and began to slowly approach me.

"Did you know I had to send the other harbingers to find you. That got me in quite some shit." He grumbled rolling his eyes.

"But I'm not angry." He said stopping a grin on his face.

"I actually enjoyed this. You sure gave me a fright and I don't get frightened easily."

He raised his hands and those needles appeared at his side.

I stood my ground. Though my vision was getting more fuzzy and my legs felt wobbly I still had to escape.

Bringing my hands up I waited.

In a flash he sent them flying for me. My arms crossed in front of my face and I pointed my fingers up. Two talismans appeared in front of me and swinging my arms out a burst of cold surrounded us. His needles froze and fell to the ground.

Dottore lunged at me and I jumped into the air and let the wind carry me. Swinging my arm down I sent spears of ice hurtling towards him.

He dodged them but  just barely. He stopped to look down at his arm. One had grazed him and a bit of blood was dripping down.

Dottore laughed a bit and his smile only grew.

"Fuck you're entertaining."

He rose a hand upwards and a string of blue floated around him.

I backed up a bit and dropped down letting my hand rest on the ground.

Dottore flicked his hand and the string shot forward.

My hands gripped the ground harder and I sent a wall of stone up to block it.

The strings collied with the wall but it didn't work.

They flew around it and a few of them grabbed my arms. I was lifted up into the air and a small shriek left my lips.

The strings felt odd. They felt like liquid and almost instantly my body felt heavy.

I was beginning to feel sleepy.

The stone walls fell and Dottore stopped before me.

"With a bit of training you might actually become powerful."

I didn't speak as I tried to focus on keeping my eyes open.

"Well we can talk more about this later. Good night for now."

Immediately after those words I passed out.

My eyes fluttered open and the room around me spun. My eyes hurt, my body hurt, everything did.

I had a raging headache.

I groaned as I sat up. My memory was foggy but I was even more confused.

Where was I?

I looked around the room.

It seemed to be Dottores cabin but it wasn't my room. The room was a little messy. Papers were scattered on a desk and some laid on the floor. The bed that I was lying in was very warm.

"Ah you're awake."

Dottore appeared from the door and approached my side.

I kept quiet as he looked me over.


"My room."

He sat down on the side of the bed.

"I thought it was my serum that made you faint but it seems you ate some poisonous berries..."

He reached a hand out and lightly grabbed my chin.

"You did so well."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Even though you lost I'm willing to let the bet go."

I blinked a few times.

That was surprising.

Very surprising.

I never thought Dottore would be the type to let go of something like that.

"Whats the catch?" I asked nervously.

He grinned but shook his head.

"No catch this time. I should warn you though you may not want to get up for a couple of hours. I've injected something that may make you sick if you move around too much..."

Panic crossed my face as I looked down at myself.

"No wait a second its nothing bad. Its to cure the poison and whatever else you ingested during your adventure."

I took in a small breath and nodded my head.

"Thank you."

Now it was Dottores turn to be surprised.

He fumbled with his words for a moment.

"You're welcome.."

Dottore let go of my chin and got up off the bed.

"Ill return in a bit so stay where you are."

When he left the room I felt myself drop back down into the blankets.

I brought a hand up to my chin.

It was warm.

His hand was warm.

»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now