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"Oh no you're too kind." I smiled at the man.

His cheeks turned rose and he let out a chuckle.

"So you really came all the way from Liyue?" Another man asked.

I nodded my head and turned my attention to the man, "Yes I had spent much time in Liyue, but Snezhnaya is my homeland. I could never forget it."

The man smiled in return and more questions were thrown at me.

Quite the crowd had formed around me.

After the man approached me things had started to take off. Signora had told me if I wanted to make a scene I needed to stand out. So together we had come up with a few stories that would grasp peoples interests.

I was playing the character of a noble who had lost her parents young. After their murders I had left Snezhnaya and rebuilt the wealth stolen from me in Liyue. After coming across the people who had murdered my parents I had taken my revenge. Now I was back in Snezhnaya to honor my parents and live out the rest of my life in peace.

It was a little dramatic however it did the trick.

Those who listened nearby had eventually gathered.

It wasn't just the story though I needed to play the part well and so far it appeared I had.

"If you don't mind me asking..." It was the man who had initially approached me who spoke, "Did you come here alone?"

"Ah about that.."

And there it was.

That presence that seemed to draw the attention of everyone no matter who they were.

I could feel the atmosphere change and I looked over toward the front of the room.

The man of the hour walked in.

A black cane in hand and a gentle yet deceiving smile on his face.

Speak of the devil...

His eyes scanned the room before settling on my own.

He seemed interested to say the least. Looking over my appearance his smile grew.

I waited for him.

"Well well..." He spoke as he got closer, "You look beautiful, love."

Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now