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Dottore stopped.

"S-Shut up."

He left the room without turning back. The door behind him slammed and I bursted out giggling. I fell back onto the bed and put a hand over my mouth.

He deserved that.

Embarrass me will you.

"Y/N princess come eat some breakfast." Pantalone called out.

I smiled to myself when I was finished giggling and got up off the bed.

When I made it outside my room Pantalone and Dottore were sitting in the living room.

"Did you cook?" I asked Pantalone taking a seat beside him.

He nodded his head and I looked greatly down at the food.

There was a stack of pancakes sitting right in front of me... syrup... strawberries... I could feel myself beginning to drool.

"Of course who else could have made this. Well you two were busy falling in love I was slaving away in the kitchen." Pantalone rolled his eyes and Dottore began to choke on his food.

I covered my face with my hands.

My face was so hot. Actually my whole body was beginning to heat up.

I peeked out of my hands to look at Dottore.

"Fuck you Pantalone." He growled with a red face.

My heart was back to pounding in my chest.

I was still hesitant to recognize my own feelings. The more time I spent with him the more my heart fluttered. I couldn't help but begin to feel nervous around him and it wasn't for fear related reasons.

I gripped my hair and pulled on it with a groan.

Stupid Doctor!

"Aw don't be so embarrassed lovely. If you don't want to stay here you can come with me really I don't mind! Ive got a nice comfy bed much better than—"

Dottores hand was up in the air in seconds.

Pantalone had barely stopped the floating syringe from hitting his neck.

"Dottore." His face was ice cold as he spoke.

The atmosphere of the room grew very tense.

"Theres only so much of your temper I can take."

A chill ran through my spine.

Dottores expression remained blank. He didn't seem to be scared of Pantalone but almost worried.

"If you're not careful..."

He leaned over and whispered. I watched as Dottores face twisted into rage. Pantalone leaned back seemingly returning to his normal self, but Dottore was still furious.

"Now now eat your breakfast and we can work this out later.."

I looked back and forth between the two. Dottore just shoved his fork back into his plate and went back to eating.

"What did you tell him?" I asked curiously.

Pantalone only gave me a closed eyed smile.

"Eat before it gets cold."

And there was my cue to stay out of it.

Sighing I picked up my own fork and began to eat.

Pantalone was a surprisingly good cook. I wasn't sure how he cooked other things but if they were as good as these pancakes... well lets just say I might not mind him being over more.

It probably took me 10 minutes to finish eating. We ate in silence. I wasn't sure exactly what to say especially since Dottore and Pantalone seemed to have no interest in talking.

I leaned back against the couch closing my eyes and letting out a satisfied sigh.

Pantalone had returned from putting the dishes away.

"So whats the plan for today?" He asked.

I could hear his coat ruffling. Most likely meant he was going to be leaving.

"I'm going out today." Dottore replied.

My stomach sank and I opened my eyes. I looked over at Dottore who wore a serious expression on his face.

"Ah what a shame. Do bring me back something nice. I think I deserve it after the little present I brought you."

Dottore nodded his head in reply.

"Speaking of where is it?"

Dottore pointed behind me and I looked back behind the couch.

The same box from yesterday...

Shivering I got up from the couch and wandered towards Dottore.

"Oh no don't tell me you showed the poor girl?" Pantalone asked shock clearly written on his face.

Dottore shrugged in return.

"You're really trying to ruin my good image aren't you?"

Dottore laughed.

The tension in the room had finally disappeared.

"Good image? I'd love to see that one." Dottore grinned.

Pantalone had finished putting his jacket back on.

"Well I'll leave you two be. Make me some grandkids while I'm gone bye bye!"

Dottore sprung up off the couch but it was too late. In a flash Pantalone had left.

Dottore grumbled a few things to him and I placed a hand on my heart.

I changed my mind Pantalone was no longer allowed here.

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