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After that day things between Dottore and I had changed. I wasn't sure how to describe the change but I was enjoying it.

Dottore wasn't as cruel and seemed to show a bit more respect towards me.

I had finally met a few more of the Harbingers. None of them stayed for long and it was only a coincidence that I saw most of them the day I was caught.

Two weeks had gone by now.

I stretched my arms out as I sat in my chair.


I turned my head back to a bright smile.

Speaking of one of the Harbingers I had met.

"Pantalone good morning." I mumbled a small yawn leaving my lips.

He sat down on the chair in front of me and let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah its so nice to be in a warm place." He shrugged off his coat and I smiled.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to the climate." I said while rubbing my arms.

"No neither will I."

The waitress walked over to the table and we both ordered a tea.

It didn't take long for our stuff to show up.

The tea was nice and warm. It was exactly what I needed after the long walk into town.

Pantalone seemed to be one of the Harbingers I would get along with.

He had invited me out for the day and since Dottore was out doing a few things I decided I'd like to do something as well. Plus it seemed the Tsaritsa still didn't trust me so I had to either stay in the cabin or be with another Harbinger. I couldn't blame her though. Over the last few weeks I found that I wasn't really looking for an escape. It really wasn't so bad staying here, but I still wasnt fond of working for the Fatui.

I took a sip of my tea and glanced out the window.

It was a snow storm out there.

But when wasn't it.

"Tell me how has it been staying with Dottore?"

I put my tea down on the table.

It honestly wasn't that bad. When I first found out I had to stay with Dottore I figured he'd chain me up to some table and experiment on me. These last weeks though had been calm. Dottore spent a lot of time in his room surrounded by paperwork and potions.

He only came out to relax in his armchair and eat. Though when he was out we were able to talk more.

"Its been a lot better than I thought." I smiled.

Pantalone raised an eyebrow.

"Really? I figured you'd be pleading to come stay with someone else? He hasn't tortured you yet?"

My heart skipped a beat and I blinked.

"No... does he normally do that?"

Pantalone looked away and shrugged.

"I wouldn't say its uncommon, but he normally doesn't allow others in his house especially not experiments. He has a place for that stuff."

A small shiver ran down my spine and I shook my head.

"I don't wanna know."

Pantalone laughed and took a sip of his own tea.

"If you ever feel like hes too much to handle do stop by. I have no issues with you staying with me." He winked and my face turned pink.

"Thank you." I said embarrassed.

The rest of my time spent with Pantalone was enjoyable. We went out for a walk around the city and he took me to a few stores. I finally had some more clothing. Dottore had gotten me some as well but a lot of them were well the same. I didn't mind but it was nice to have some more color.

By the time he brought me back it was already night time.

I opened up the cabin door and stepped inside.

"Dottore?" I called out walking further into the house.

I placed my bags down on the table and stretched my arms out.

I wandered through the house. He wasn't in the kitchen or living room.

I stopped in front of his door. Raising my hand I lightly knocked against it.

I waited a few moment but there was no response.

I dropped my hand down and stared at the door knob.

I didn't want to go in his room without permission but I wanted to know if he was here. There were many times he got so lost in his work that he zoned from the outside world.

I reached out for his door knob and carefully opened the door. The door creaked lightly and I peeked in.

My heart fluttered in my chest as I stared at him.

A soft smile crossed my face and I stepped into the room.

Dottore was here alright.

I grabbed a small blanket off his bed and approached him from behind.

Dottore had fallen asleep at his desk. His light snores were the only thing that could be heard. It seemed he overworked himself.

I placed the small blanket over his shoulders and stepped back.

He looked so at peace.

I wondered if this was the only time I'd ever see him so relaxed.

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now