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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

I had spent a good majority of the day looking through some of Pantalones documents.

There were a few people nearby who owed him quite the amount.

"Those two need to pay up by tomorrow." Pantalone said from his chair.

I nodded my head looking up at him from the floor.

Currently I sat in the middle of the room with contracts surrounding me.

"You seem to be trusting me a little quickly. Whats stopping me from taking the mora and running off?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me.

Pantalone smiled, "Its simple really. My reach is far and wide. You run and I'll find you. Of course before you can get that far you'll need to avoid any other harbingers."

I shivered.

Of course the others were still keeping an eye on me.

"Alright alright," I said giving in, "You win. For now."

Pantalone seemed to be pleased with my answer.

"Tomorrow. I'd like for you to go after those two."

"Already?!" I asked in surprise.

He nodded, "Whats wrong is it too much for you?"

My eyebrow twitched, "No."

"Good. Then bright and early. Don't worry I'll accompany you for the first two. Now come here."

He lifted his hand up from the table and moving his finger he beckoned me to him.

I gave him a suspicious look.

Pantalone rolled his eyes at this, "Come here."

I got up off the ground and took some cautious steps toward him.

I still didn't fully trust Pantalone. After all he was a harbinger.

I stopped a bit away from him and he sighed.

"I'd like to see how you'll perform. So pretend I owe you mora."

I crossed my arms, "Really? Can't you just wait till tomorrow?"

In truth, I didn't want to pretend in front of him. Pantalone was already intimidating. How in hell would I ever demand mora from a man like that?!

"No. Practice makes perfect doesn't it?"

I groaned.

"Pay or die." I rose my hand and a big ball of
electricity began to form in my palm.

Pantalone let out a chuckle.

"Come now be serious." He said smiling a little more.

I let the electricity disappear.

"You're saying I can't do that?"

He shrugged, "Well you can, but it'll most likely end in conflict."

I let out a sigh.

"Alright alright. We can wait till tomorrow. Its getting late now. Would you like something to eat?"

I felt relieved.

It was weird but I didn't feel like I could be serious around him.

"Oh... I forgot about food.." My stomach growled the moment I mentioned it.

"I'll take that as a yes." Pantalone got up from his desk and walked past me.

"Join me in the dinning room when you've cleaned up your paper disaster."

I glared at him as he left the room and then looked down at my papers.

Okay maybe it was a disaster.

Cleaning up the paper's took about half an hour. They now sat neatly stacked on his desk. I left out the two I'd need for tomorrow.

I could already feel the nerves beginning to build in my stomach.

This would be my first job since joining the fatui.

It was a weird feeling. Maybe things were going a little fast but I imagined the Tsaritsa didn't want me just hanging around and doing nothing. Not that I minded. Either that or Pantalone truly was just ceasing the opportunity in front of him.

I took my time going down the stairs.

The dinning room was somewhere down here but I couldn't remember exactly where...

I walked through the halls peeking my head into different rooms as I went. He had a lot of interesting things in his house.

For example, he had just one room dedicated to art. There were paintings scattered throughout the room and even a blank canvas in the middle.

I wasn't sure if I could imagine him painting, but I was sure if he did he was very careful.

Before my thoughts could go any further I spotted a small dinning room just up ahead.

My pace slowed and I noticed Pantalone placing some dishes down on the table.

Once he was done he turned to look in my direction. He must have felt my stare on him.

"You're done just in time."

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now