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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

"Y/N get up."

I felt something shaking my shoulder as I squirmed around in my bed.

I gripped onto my covers groaning as I tried to stay asleep.

"Come on brat we're headed out."

I opened one eye and looked up from my pillows.

"Where so early.." I mumbled looking at him sleepily.

Dottore was wide awake and already dressed too. He had a bag over his shoulder and was holding some of my clothes in his hand.

"We are going on a trip and need to leave early so come on."

He tugged more at my blanket and I let out another groan before rolling over.

I stared up at Dottore.

"Okay okay..."

He dropped the clothes down on top of me and I sat up.

He exited the room and I let out another yawn. My eyes glanced to the side table and almost popped out of my face.


My god what was waiting for us...

After I had finally got up Dottore dragged me outside to a waiting carriage.

He hurried me inside and we now sat in silence. I stared out the window. We seemed to be getting further from the city.

"Where are we going?"

"Someone has been messing with one of my research labs. We are going to find them."

I turned my head in shock.


"Yes we. You and me."

My stomach sank.

I was dreading when a day like this would come.

I had been lucky that I hadnt done any work as long as I did.

"What its not that bad." He said giving a grin.

Not that bad for him maybe.

I'm sure he found lots of joy in doing this.

The rest of the trip was quiet. We must have left Snezhnaya at some point because the snow had finally stopped and now the sky was clear and bright.

Dottore didn't seem to have much to say either. He looked irritated the whole ride so I found it best not to bug him.

I had to admit watching the snow from the carriage was a beautiful sight. I didn't mind the spring atmosphere here either.

The carriage finally came to a stop and Dottore got up. I followed after him out the carriage and stopped just on the steps.

The fresh air hit my face instantly but it wasn't cold. This land wherever we were was warm. So warm so nice.

I closed my eyes and stretched my arms out.

This was the weather I craved. I hated the winter weather with my soul.

"You like the sun?" Dottore asked.

I hummed in reply before opening my eyes.

"So do I."

He was standing in front of me holding out a hand.

I took his hand and he helped me off the steps of the carriage. He let go of my hand when I was down and began forward.

I looked back at the man controlling the carriage but he didn't move.

It seemed we'd be going just the two of us.

I turned back to Dottore and hurried to catch up to him.

He was wearing a lot less layers than usual. A white dress shirt and some black pants. His usual mask was still on his face.

I on the other hand was wearing a yellow sun dress. When I first saw it I thought Dottore was finally losing it completely but now that we're here it makes more sense.

The carriage had stopped just outside a forest. The forest didn't seem to be too bad though. The trees were spread out so the sun was still able to shine down.

"You said you liked the sun right? So why do you stay in Snezhnaya?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"I have another house not too far away from this area, but it makes it easier to stay in the cabin for work reasons."

The Harbingers must have been super rich. I knew from the gameplay that Childe was loaded but how could the rest not be.

"The house we can go there one day if you'd like."

My heart skipped a beat and I smiled.

"Yes I think I wouldn't mind that."

And we continued on in silence.

Our next stop was in front of a very large building.

"He should be here now."

Dottore looked back at me.

"Are you ready?"

I felt like that message was a bit more than it seemed but I nodded my head anyways.

He pushed open the large doors and we headed inside.

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now