[🌸] Route 3: Pantalone

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Scaramouche tugged my arm down a quiet street in Snezhnaya. He didn't say a word to me no matter how many questions or comments I made.

"Could you be a little less rough?" I asked almost tripping behind him.

Scaramouche only huffed and his grip around my arms grew tighter.

"Ow ow ow!"

But he kept on going.

Clearly indifferent to any feelings I had.

"Okay, I see we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Y/N and you are..?"

He ignored me completely. His hold on my arm seemed to tighten again at the question, and the scowl on his face grew.

I shivered from the cold air and attempted to wrap my cloak closer around myself.

"If you don't answer me I will keep talking the whole entire way and be a pain in your side."

Scaramouche sighed and stopped waking.

He flung his head back. His eyes bright with anger.

"Shut up. I have no interest in talking with fools like you. If you want to talk with someone I promise the man I'm taking you to will love to talk."

I frowned at his answer and we stared at one another for a moment.

He must have been waiting to see whether I'd speak up again.

"Now be quiet and let's go."

Scaramouche continued walking with me trailing behind him.

I wasn't usually this talkative but I was a little worried. The Tsaritsa had told Scaramouche something privately and then he had led me out of the palace. He hadn't explained anything this was the first hint of our destination.

So I was going to see another man, but who and why?

Hopefully, it wasn't another Harbinger. If they were all as grumpy as Scaramouche I was going to be arguing nonstop.

As we went further into Snezhnaya the area seemed to be more sophisticated. Snezhnaya in general was a really beautiful place so far but this specific area seemed to be where the high class lingered. The shops were a bit brighter and people seemed more judgmental.

They cast glances in our direction not very impressed with either of us.

Scaramouche didn't seem to care and eventually came to a stop. The building we had stopped at was far above the rest. It wasn't huge in size but its design was luxurious. There was a small sign in the window but I didn't get the chance to read it.

Scaramouche moved once more opening the doors of the building and dragging me in after him. There was a front desk when we entered. The lady greeted Scaramouche but he ignored her too and headed down the hallway.

A nervousness began to arise as we moved.

Scaramouche stopped in front of a new door and instead of knocking he threw it open.

I peeked inside from behind him and my mouth hung open at the sight.

Scaramouche didn't move he seemed to be taken aback as well.

"Ah Scaramouche... what do you want?"

Before us sat a man in black. He was leaning back in his chair a hand running through his long black hair in annoyance as his glazed-over eyes looked back at us. A desk partially blocked the view but there was still enough space to see what was happening below.

Underneath the desk, a woman sat in between his legs. She peeked her head up from under the desk and I took a step back.

"Delivery from the Tsaritsa, whore." Scaramouche spat out the last word and the man simply rolled his eyes.

After saying those words he turned away. Scaramouche gave me one last glance before walking toward the exit.

"Wait a minute you're leaving me here??" I called out to him.

My face was beginning to turn a bright shade of red.

Scaramouche didn't reply he only kept on down the hall.

"No no no you are not!" I hurried after him as he was approaching the front door.

He stepped outside and when I followed after him he was already gone.

My heart dropped and I looked around.

He just vanished.

That bastard...

I looked back into the building and the man in black was staring at me from his office room. We made eye contact and then his eyes began to travel along me. When he was finished he took a step back into the room and closed the door.

I stood there in utter shock.

Who the hell did he leave me with?!

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