[💉] - Route 1: Dottore

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So here we were after a long talk with the Tsaritsa it had been determined that I'd be staying with Dottore.

Holding onto my wrist he dragged me out of the castle.

The whole way out the rest of the Fatui had kept their eyes on me. Even though Dottore had said over and over again that he was fine they still refused to leave until we left the castle. It was possible that they were still following us.

Of course I really had no intentions of joining the Fatui. I'm sure they could tell I was not someone they could trust. The moment they let me out of their blind spot I'd disappear in an instant.

Now that I thought back maybe I could have defeated them all, but then again I don't even have a weapon yet. Never mind I was screwed to begin with.

I knew it wouldn't be hard to slip away from Dottore but with the other harbingers still following us that would not be happening. At least I thought I could get away from him. I hadn't exactly seen his power yet so maybe he was secretly strong, but at the present he just seemed a little stupid.

I was quite surprised when we left the city. Dottore was still holding my wrist as tightly as he could.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking back at the city.

"To my house." He replied simply.

"You don't live in the city?"

I looked back at Dottore and he glared at me.

"You ask too many questions..."

I looked down at the ground watching as my feet crunched against the snow.

I stopped asking questions for the rest of the walk. As much as I wanted to annoy Dottore I also was extremely tired now.

When we arrived I looked around in awe. It was not the place I was expecting Dottore to live in.

It was a small cabin and it looked very cozy.

Dottore dragged me up to the door and opened it up.

"If you try to run we will kill you. So forget any of those thoughts."

With that he pushed me into the house and let go of my arm.

I was right to assume we were being watched then.

I looked around the cabin. It was actually well kept. The cabin was clean and tidy. There was a giant fireplace in the centre and I quickly made my way over there.

Dottore followed suit and I dropped in front of the fire.

This nation was freezing. How did they expect me to survive here?

I put my hands in front of the flames and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey brat."

I glanced over. Dottore was sitting in an arm chair by the fire as he stared down at me.

"From now on you'll be staying here with me. Like I said earlier if you try to run you'll regret it. From now on you'll be working with me."

"Working with you?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He grinned.

"Yes I guess you'll become my assistant. Though I'd much rather have you as a subject to experiment on... that reminds me how exactly did you get those powers?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response and his grin turned into a scowl.

"The moment the Tsaritsa sees you as useless to her you'll definitely be mine to experiment on."

His eyes flashed and a shiver ran down my spine.

Sure stick me with the crazy doctor.

I turned away and looked back at the fire.

I was not interested in being his assistant. If this man was truly as awful as was told I did not want to be involved. I didn't want to experiment on people.


I let out a small shriek when I felt him grab onto the back of my cloak. He lifted me up into the air and I struggled in his grip.

"Listen here, you think I wanted to be stuck with you?"

He turned me around so I was facing him but I kept my head lowered.

"Then let me go."

He let out a laugh.

"Nice try. Though I really was serious. They are watching."

I peeked back up at Dottore and his eyes shun, but that wasn't what caught my attention. Beyond him and out the window there was another shine.

That same blue pair of eyes that sat on a lower throne was watching.

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