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We walked side by side back to Snezhnaya.

The journey back was a lot more fun. I found myself laughing and smiling more than I ever had before.

Sleeping outside wasn't as bad anymore. Either the bugs had stayed away or I learned to sleep with them. As horrible as a thought as it was I was still having a good time.

We had also got time to practice shooting some more. My aim had become a lot better and I was able to fuse different elements into the arrows.

The closer we got the colder it became.

I hugged the coat close to my chest and made sure to stick by Childe.

I glanced up at Childe who was focused on leading the way. His eyes had their usual sparkle in them.

He really did have pretty eyes.

I felt a lot closer to Childe now as well. After the incident in Fontaine he seemed to be a lot more comfortable around me. He opened up a bit more about his life and the fatui. It made me relieved to have gained his trust.

"We're almost there."

The winter storms weren't as bad as when we left. It was still snowing but only lightly.

"Do we have to go see her?" I asked feeling a little nervous.

Childe nodded his head, "Yes. Shes requested us."

I felt my stomach sink.

The first place we'd go when we returned was to the palace. The Tsaritsa had requested us to appear before her and that was not negotiable.

"What do you think she wants?"

Childe seemed nervous himself now.

"Well... I don't think we led back to her but we did make a scene."

I crossed my arms, "But we didn't lead it back to the fatui. Isn't that the most important part?"

Childe nodded, "Yea. At least I think so, but I'm not the one you have convince." He raised his hands in defence and I laughed.

"She won't try to kill us will she?"

He shrugged and we stopped at the top of the mountain. From our spot we could see the palace.

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