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"So you are the Tsaritsa?"

The air in the room began to get tense.

"That is correct. Now, who exactly are you?"

I brought a hand to my chin.

How exactly would I explain that I came from another universe, but then again so did the traveler. The only difference was my universe was probably a little different than theirs.

Not only that but the traveler could only use one element at a time while I could use all whenever. If the Fatui had this power they could be a whole lot deadlier.

"I'm no one special really," I said shrugging my shoulders.

The other person beside the Tsaritsa only laughed. Their laughter echoed throughout the room and they finally turned their attention towards me. Their eyes sparkled a bright blue and a shiver ran down my spine.

"Nothing special? I would say using multiple elements at one time is rather special."


I shook my head in reply.

The Tsaritsa lifted her hand and a large wave of ice shot out towards me.

Shit. She wasn't giving me a choice.

"Kamisato Art: Senho"

In an instant, an icy fog formed around me and I ran toward the door. Her icy wave flowed through me and pushed the doors to the room open.


The others had noticed me trying to escape and Childe pulled out his bow.

I sped out of the room dodging his Hydro arrows.

If I escaped where would I even go? They would definitely continue to chase after me. I was getting close to the front door and a smile stretched across my face.

The art ended right in front of the doors and spinning upwards I threw open the doors. When the doors flew open I ran forward but was stopped. I fell right into someone a small gasp left my lips.

"Oh my, the child."

An arm wrapped around my shoulder and I shot my head upwards.

Of course of all people, it had to be her.

"I heard they caught you, but it seems they did an awful job at keeping you." La Signora sighed before pushing me back inside.

I squirmed in her arms as she dragged me back towards the throne room.

"Noooo!" I groaned reaching back out for the doors.

We entered the throne room and this time when the doors shut La Signora froze them. She brought me back towards the thrones and dropped me on the ground.

"I see you have an interesting power." She said tapping her fingers against the throne.

"I'll get straight to the point," She sucked in a breath and her eyes shun a bright blue, "Join the Fatui."

I should have expected those words.

Unfortunately for her I already knew bits and pieces of what the Fatui were up to. I still hadn't forgiven La Signora for stealing Venti's gnosis the same went for the Tsaritsa. She had Venti's and Zhongli's plus her own. Although I wasn't sure exactly what she planned on doing I wanted no part of it.

"And if I refuse?"

Her eyes flashed and she slammed her hands against the throne.

The other Fatui had surrounded me but I dared not move.

"Let me rephrase this. You WILL join the Fatui."

She wasn't giving me much of an option here.

There were 5 Harbingers here at least I figured the other one sitting by the Tsaritsa was a Harbinger. Although I could control any element at any time and use the powers of other Genshin characters that didn't mean I could beat 5 Harbingers and an Archon at once.

"Give up do you really think you can defeat all of us?" Dottore said summoning two floating guns.

I let out a sigh and brought a hand to my forehead.

I could take a hint.

If I refused I would be an all-out fight with the Fatui. I had no idea what the Cyro Archon could do and add all the Harbingers and I was screwed.

Could I even escape again?

I had no clue if the other Harbingers were here and if they were things would not end well for me.

I could always use the same art as before, but the door was blocked off with ice so I wouldn't get very far. Not to mention with all the fog It was hard to find any other exits.

I sighed and raised my hands up in defeat.

There was no getting out of this one.

"Fine. I'll join the Fatui."

A smile stretched across her face and she clapped her hands together.

"Wonderful, then ill leave her to you."

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now