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When we got out of the city the wind had died down a bit. The snow was still going but I could finally see.

We stopped inside the forest and I looked back down at the city.

Hopefully we wouldn't be coming back here for awhile.

Maybe if we were lucky Fontaine would be nice and not snowing.

Plus getting away from this place meant getting away from Harbingers. Considering Childe didn't tell me what we were going to do in Fontaine maybe it also meant I'd not have to participate much.

"Are you ready?" Childe asked stopping beside me.

"To get out of this horrible weather? Absolutely."

Childe laughed and we began walking.

The time had passed quickly. At the start we hadn't said much. Childe seemed to be more focused on not getting us lost. Which I much appreciated.

Thankfully we hadn't run into anyone else either.

But eventually he started to ask questions.

Questions I wasn't sure I wanted to answer.

"So you're obviously not from Snezhnaya so where do you come from?"

How was I supposed to explain I wasn't from this world. I'm sure they've heard it before but I didn't want to give them more of a reason to watch over me.

"Uh Mondstadt." I replied nodding my head.

Though Mondstadt obviously wasn't my home it felt like my home away from home. It was the place I had spent the most time in while playing. Plus it was the first nation I had ever visited.

"Really? You've come quite far if thats the case." Childe remarked.

"Well as beautiful as the place is I needed a change of pace." I replied.

The amount of lies I was going to have to tell. I almost felt badly about it.

Why almost? Because he was hiding stuff too. So I was also allowed to have my own secrets.

"I have to say I'm surprised you managed to avoid her gaze this whole time. Had you always been able to use many different elements? Its rare to meet people like that."

I shook my head.

"No I hadn't one day it just sort of happened. I just threw a rock and woooshh geo."

Which technically was not a lie. Before all this I was just a normal girl. There wasn't anything special about me magic wise, but thats also because magic did not exist where I lived.

Childe laughed again.

He seemed actually interested in the conversation.

Which was also a nice change.

"So then if I had to guess you didn't know much about the fatui huh?"

I think if anything I knew way too much. A little too much more than they'd like. Actually if they knew how much I knew they'd probably kill me.

"Well no. I mean I knew you guys were a Snezhnaya organization and supposedly evil but thats about it." I replied with a shrug.

Childe sighed and turned his head to look at me.

"Do I look evil to you?" He had a charming smile on his face when he asked this.

I could feel my heart skip a few beats.

He knew exactly what he was doing.

"I don't know... are you going to secretly kill me in my sleep?" I asked suspiciously.

"Maybe." He relied teasingly.

I rolled my eyes at him and started walking a bit faster.

"So how far are we from Fontaine? Will we be there soon?" I asked my feet beginning to get tired.

I turned back to look at him.

"You got here how again?" Childe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Magic." I replied wiggling my fingers.

He shook his head in amusement.

Childe really did look good with a smile.

"Well. Fontaine is lets see..."

He seemed to be thinking in his head for a moment,

"A week or so of walk—"

"A WEEK?!??" I asked in pure disbelief.

Dropping down to the ground I grabbed onto the snow.

"A week?!?" I asked once more this time whispering.

"Yes we are on foot after all."

Holy shit.

A week? A week?? I will not last a week out here in the cold snow.

I flopped onto my back and extended my hands out.

"I give up you'll have to drag me the rest of the way." I mumbled staring up at the white sky.

Childe stopped beside me and crossed his arms.

"Make that a week and a day if you don't get up."

I groaned in annoyance.

This was going to be a long week.

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