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I backed away in shock.

The man was glaring daggers at me and I sent another rock flying towards him. The rock hit him straight in the forehead and he stumbled back.

"You fucking bitch!"

When he had recovered he began to run straight for me.

Another squeal left my lips and I turned around and ran for it. I sent a few more rocks flying towards him from behind, but he managed to dodge them all.

These were definitely Ningguang's crystals, but why did I have them? Well, it didn't matter the point was I had something to defend myself with now.

I shuffled through the snow and began to head towards the edge of the mountain. I wasn't sure where this would lead me, but I had to get away from this man. He was pissed and if I got caught who knows what would happen.

I wouldn't let the snow slow me down. I was lucky that the man behind me was slower.

I reached the edge of the cliff quickly.

Well if Ningguangs crystals could appear from thin air maybe a wind glider could too.

I looked back one last time and sticking my tongue out I jumped off the cliff.

The man's eyes grew in shock and he stopped.


I was still falling. A scream left my lips as I plunged down the mountain. The end of it was far, but as I was falling I could see everything.

This was not Dragonspine.

Ahead of me was a city of ice and snow.

Houses were surrounding a large castle. If you looked close enough you could see people wandering around. There were torches and light sources all around the city. If I were able to make it there I could hide from this man and get off this mountain as well.

The fall down was long and sadly there was no magic wind glider to save me.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I shouted trying to reach out for something.

Maybe I should've taken my chances with that man.

The ground was getting closer and the chances of survival were even slimmer.

I felt a burst of wind and a small idea crossed my mind.

If I were able to summon Ningguangs crystals then could I not do the same with someone else?

I was almost at the ground maybe only a minute till I hit. The wind pushed my hair and hood back and before I hit the ground I kicked my foot upwards. A small gust of wind and leaves appeared around me and as I spun in a circle the wind held me up off the ground.

For a brief second, I stopped falling. All the pressure and speed had disappeared and I felt like I could breathe again. When the wind disappeared I crashed into the snow. The landing was much softer than it would've been. Without Kazuha's Chihayaburu I probably would've died.

A mischievous smile sat on my face and I got up from the snow.

It seemed I was able to use the skills and powers of other characters in the game.

This was something I had to keep to myself.

We weren't in Dragonspine which left only one option.


"FUCKKKKKKKKK NOT HERE!" I shouted pulling at my hair.

This was the last place in Genshin I wanted to be. Inazuma was pretty bad, but Snezhnaya had the Harbingers and the Tsaritsa. The story hadn't advanced as far yet and I barely knew anything about the other Harbingers.

As I stood staring down at the city something had crossed my mind.

That weird-looking man with the mask.

Wasn't he--?

A shiver ran down my spine and my eyes widened.


That man was one of the harbingers that hadn't been introduced in the game yet.

I shook my head and glanced back at the city in front of me. I didn't have time to waste. If he really was that Harbinger he'd be after me and he would find me.

I flipped my hood back over my head and began my walk to the city.

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now