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I felt completely flustered at Dottores mocking tone.

I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"What do you want to chat about mister unusual hilichurl?"

Dottores eyebrow twitched and his nails lightly dug into the chair.

"Would you prefer to die now or before you leave?" You could hear the irritation in his voice.

"What do you want Dottore?" I asked rolling my eyes at his comment.

He clicked his tongue, "Nothing that you could give me. This is simply for my own curiosity."

Dottore leaned a bit forward, "If you had ended up with me you wouldn't have lasted long I can guarantee that."

I gave him a slight grin, "Well then its a good thing I didn't. Pantalone is not that bad."

Dottore laughed at my last comment and rose an eyebrow, "Have you ever seen the man mad before? No? Ha! Then tell me how kind he appears! What I don't understand is why the bastard agreed to it in the first place."

"Agreed to it?" I questioned.

Dottores grin grew, "You didn't think the Tsaritsa just tossed you his way did you? Please. None of us have time to babysit. Its a matter if whether we feel like it or not. For whatever reason he decided to."

My heart pounded slightly in my chest but I kept my suspicious look.

"It seems I don't give the man enough credit. He must have known you'd be useful somehow."

I could tell Dottore was trying to push my buttons.

So I fired back, "Yea you're right. You don't give him enough credit. You could even say hes got more intelligence than you in that sense."

Dottore looked taken aback.

His eyes grew with that dangerous look. My hands gripped tighter onto the couch and I was getting ready to attack.

What Dottore did next surprised me.

Instead of getting up and cutting my head off like I had assumed, he laughed.

He laughed himself silly until tears were pricking the corner of his eyes. As if he couldn't believe the words that had just left my mouth.

"Oh thats a good one!" He was smiling that cat like grin of his, "More intelligent than me?? Oh I like you! Damn too bad."

My body relaxed at his words and I didn't feel as alarmed.

I glanced down the hall.

Pantalone was at the very end of it still on the phone. His eyes cast a glance in my direction and he gave me a soft smile.

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