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Childe had returned with two plates full of food. My mouth was watering when he placed them down on the bed. There was an assortment of things. So many different things I had never seen but they looked so good.

"I hope you're okay with this," Childe said taking a seat beside me.

I picked up one of the plates and began eating as quickly as I could.

Oh God, I was so hungry. Maybe it was from the stress or all the running I had done today but I was going to starve.

"Woah slow down I can get you more." Childe laughed.

But I shook my head and kept eating.

Childe only sighed before returning to his own food.

It didn't take me long to finish and once I was done I put my plate down beside me.

Wasnt there something I had to give Childe...

"AH!" I shouted jumping up off the bed.

Childe looked up in confusion and I picked up the letter that Capitano had brought.

"The man big scary one with the nice arms and helmet he brought this for you." I held out the letter and Childe put down his food to take it.

He ripped the top part of the envelope and pulled out a plain looking letter.

Childe read the letter.

As he read he smiled with excitement.

"Soo...?" I asked wanting to know what it was.

"A mission."

I felt my gut sink at that.

I should have known. Especially since Capitano came here personally to deliver it.

"What kind of mission?" I asked.

Childe shook his head again.

"Can't tell you sorry he said specifically not to, but we'll be leaving tomorrow so get some rest okay?"

Childe picked up both the plates and headed towards the door.

"I'll be right back."

He was true to his word.

It took mere minutes for Childe to return. When he came back he dropped down onto the couch. Stretching his arms out he closed his eyes.

"Good night miss."

I blinked a few times.

Was he sleeping there? Not on the bed?

"Is something wrong?" Childe asked cracking an eye open.

"You aren't going to sleep here?" I asked patting the bed.

"No I couldn't do that to a lady I just met." He replied with a smile.

I felt a bit guilty.

I mean sure I wouldn't mind him in my bed but I didn't want to take his bed. The couch didn't look awful to sleep on but it was still a couch.

"Maybe I could get another room—"


I'm broke.

"Nevermind." I mumbled before he could interject.


Hes rich!

My eyes lit up and I looked at him with stars.

"Wait I take it back."

Childe chuckled, "Unfortunately they're booked solid. Theres no more rooms left."

I sighed and dropped down onto the bed.

Of course they were all booked.

"Don't worry about it. Just get some sleep."

There was no fighting this was there?

"Good night Childe."

He smiled and closed his one eye again.

Sitting up I moved underneath the blankets. There were a few here. I picked up one of the blankets on the edge of the bed.

If I was going to steal his bed I'd least have to give him a blanket.

I tossed the end blanket towards Childe and it landed on top of him.

He shot up from his spot frantically looking around till he realized it was only the blanket.

Letting out a sigh he straightened it out so it covered him.

"Do you want a pillow?" I asked looking at the extra one behind me.

"Its alright thank you."

I dropped back down onto the bed and pulled the covers up closer.

What a day it had been.

First I ended up in this place and worst of all the harbingers caught me. Well actually maybe not so bad. I definitely could be with someone worse right now.

Thank god I ended up with Childe.


My heart skipped a beat as I waited.

"We're going to Fontaine."

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Harbingers x Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now