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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

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»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««

Dottore showed me to my new room.

It was small but also very nice.

I sat on the bed admiring the room.

It was a simple room. A bed with a dresser. In the corner of the room was a desk with a lamp. There seemed to be a few papers on it but I couldn't read any of it.

Dottore had retired for the night. For the millionth time he had reminded me not to attempt escape.

I stared out the window by the bed.

Escape wasn't possible anyways. I could see Scaramouches giant hat in the distance. He didn't even try to hide himself. It was probably his way of telling me to give up.

I dropped down onto the bed and rolled on my side.

It was kind of cold in here. I wrapped myself up in the blanket on the bed but still shivered.

I guess the cold was something I'd have to get use to.

One night of rest couldn't hurt. If I wanted to escape it wouldn't be tonight.

I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.


I groaned in response.

I rolled around in my sleep. Holding onto the blanket as tightly as I could.


I could hear a voice, but I continued to ignore it.

I needed warmth.

I reached out for another blanket and grabbed onto something. It felt warm in my hand and I pushed it closer towards me.


One more tug and my eyes shot wide open.

Something fell on top of me and I realized it was not a blanket I had grabbed.

His usual scowl stayed on his face as he glared down at me. One hand pressed against the bed as he leaned over me.

I let go of his shirt and covered myself with the blanket.

"Sorry." I mumbled embarrassed.

He clicked his tongue in response.

"Come on get up."

Dottore ripped the blanket off of me and I let out a squeal.

"Lets go we've got a job to do."

I laid flat against the bed as I stared up at him.

"A job?"

"Yes now get up and get changed."

He dropped a bag onto my bed which I could only assume were clothes.

Dottore got up off of me and headed towards the door.

"We leave in 15. Don't make me drag you out of the room."

The door slammed behind him and I flinched.

I crawled over to where he dropped the bag and opened it up. Inside of the bag was a new cloak. It was white and had a fluffy hood. I pulled the cloak out and laid it on the bed. The next item of clothing was a simple light blue shirt with some white pants.

It didn't take me long to change into the new outfit. It was comfortable but the cloak was a little heavy. I bounced the cloak around a bit. It was very warm though, but how did Dottore know my size?

I didn't get long think about that when the door finally slammed back open.

"15 minutes are up. You better be ready or ill s—"

I turned back in fright grasping my chest.

Dottore stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes flickered from my pants and up to my face. Our eyes locked.

I realized he hadn't seen my face yet.

I grabbed ahold of my hood and flicked it onto my head.

The way he was staring was making me self conscious.

"Well are we going."

Dottore returned to the present and nodded his head. He turned towards the door and I followed him out.

The weather was just as cold as yesterday. I hugged my hands under my cloak. Though it was still warmer than my other jacket.

Dottore stopped a bit ahead and looked towards the city.

"So what exactly are we doing today?"

When he turned around I felt my body freeze. His grin was that of pure evil.

"We are going hunting."

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