New Girl in Town

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It was just another Tuesday night and Kara laid upside down on her couch staring at the TV, the news turned on, with a blank expression.

She sighed heavily not really paying attention to it pondering on what to do. She looked out the balcony door seeing the skies darkening, the sun slumbers for the night giving way for the moon. She turned her TV off and turned the radio on instead and rolled off the couch, landing on her feet. She stretched her body feeling all this energy inside and switched to her music player. "Might as well get it all out." She said, popping her neck as an upbeat, techno song came on.

As soon as it was completely dark Leo snuck out and decided to pay Kara a visit. He thought about a couple nights ago after they defeated the Rat King and saved Master Splinter; the night he kissed her. Her lips felt soft against his, it was nothing he ever felt before. He heard loud music up ahead just as he was about to jump to her balcony he stopped, staring in awe at what he was seeing.

Kara was dancing to her hearts content with the music, swaying her hips, waving her arms above her head while moving her head to the music.

He hopped down to the balcony and watched her up close, smiling to himself thinking that everything about her was amazing and he shook his head before sneaking inside. He snuck behind her and started dancing with her even though she was oblivious to his presence but just as she spun away he reached out and grabbed her arm, her body jolting in alert at the sudden touch but before she could do anything she was spun back into Leo's arms where he dipped her. He grinned, chuckling softly, seeing her cheeks burn red in embarrassment.

"Leo?! W-what're you doing here?!?" She asks surprised at his sudden appearance in her home.

"Eh, I was in the neighborhood and saw you dancing by yourself. You looked pretty lonely so I decided to join you." He laughed softly seeing her face get a darker red and her eyes dart to the side "...those eyes.." He slowly lifted her up to her feet and let go of her she turning away to hide her already seen face.

"L-look it's nice to see you, it always is, but I would prefer a phone call the next time you were 'in the neighborhood'." She said moving her index finger and middle finger for emphasis.

He watched her, telling himself to do it now. He nodded to himself and walked up behind her, turned her around, placed his hands on her shoulders, and leaned in, kissing her right on the lips.

She froze in place, feeling his lips against hers. She didn't know what to do or how to react. She screamed at her brain to tell her what to do but nothing came. For once, she actually wished she watched those teen dramas they'd show on TV. When he finally released her lips he looked into her eyes while reaching his hand up to stroke her cheek.

"I like you. I dunno when I had these feelings but everytime I'm around you I feel like I can take the whole world on with you by my side.." As he continued to express his feelings she just stared at him til she couldn't take it anymore and closed her eyes. "I didn't want this to happen.."

She touched his hand that was on her cheek making him stop. He blushed as their hands made contact but when he saw the look in her eyes he knew his answer. "Leo...I like you, I really do...but my heart belongs to Donnie...I'm sorry." She removed his hand from her cheek and set it back to his side. He looked down at their hands as she let his go and sighed, knowing the answer all along.

"Thank you.." He said with a soft smile and a nod before turning to leave. She watched him walk outside, stand on her balcony for a couple seconds, before jumping onto her roof and leaving.

She slumped to the ground and cried. She didn't know why she was crying but she she couldn't control herself.

The next couple days were awkward to her. She didn't spend as much time as she usually would with the guys due to giving Leo his space also because a lot of new fighters were coming into the city to try and win her title; but that's beside the point.

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