Weird World of Wyrm

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The guys jump down into the middle of a Dojo, in ninja mode, scoping the area out.

Raph moved to Leo's side, his eyes returning to normal. "I don't know, looks empty, guys."

"We're not alone here. I can feel it." Leo said, his sword held out, ready for anything when suddenly Raph was tackled away, surprising Leo. "Rahzaar!" Raph yelled while being slammed into the wall then thrown away but Raph jumped back to his feet, ready for more. "That makes two of us." A voice said near Raph, Dogpound coming into view, punching where Raph was but he jumped out of the way in time.

"Dogpound?" Donnie questioned in bewilderment.

Raph stood with both his sais out and blinked when the lights behind him turned on revealing the silhouettes of the two mutants only for them to disappear and instead one of a man stood in their place. "Huh?" Raph turned around to see who it was.

"Chris Bradford Fact number forty eight: Chris Bradford always carries around four weapons of mass destruction." Almost instantly, the man attacked Raph, sending a punch across his face, a chop to the back of his neck, a kick to his gut and then a stomp to his head.

"Oh, snap! Chris Bradford!" Mikey yelled.

"Huah!" Chris Bradford stood tall as his mutant counterparts moved in beside him.

"Wow. All three of them at the same time. This is so rad!" Donnie yelled in excitement.

It was Rahzaar to make the first attack, pouncing at them all but Donnie and Mikey moved away while Leo used both his swords to block Rahzaar's claws, Raph charging at Dogpound, punching him multiple times. "Bring it, Dogpound!" Dogpound was able to get a hold of Raph by his torso and slammed him onto the ground.

"Booyakasha!!" Mikey screamed as he flew at Chris Bradford, his leg extended out for a kick. Chris Bradford smirked blocking his foot with his arm, sent a punch to his gut then an uppercut before kicking him away.

"Don't hold back guys!" Leo shouted to his brothers, shoving Rahzaar back while moving his swords to his sides then rolled underneath him when he went to grab him, and jumped up, bringing his swords down for the finishing blow.

Donnie spun his staff around just before raising it up and bringing it down to strike but Dogpound moved back and away from him. "Alright!" Donnie replied to Leo as Raph jumped over him while doing a roll midair, and sliced his sais at Dogpound, tackling him to the ground in defeat.

Chris Bradford did a high kick then transitioned to a low spin kick but Mikey dodged both attacks and when Bradford went for a punch, Mikey turned around so his shell was facing him and his fist made contact with it. While Bradford held his hand in pain, Mikey jumped up and rolled so he was now facing Bradford and shot his legs out, kicking Bradford into his office, knocking him out. "Bradfords out!" Mikey called out to the others.

Raph spun his sai in his hands before putting them away as he stepped off Dogpound. Once his feet hit the ground Dogpound began to fade into lines before disappearing then a few objects in the room, til suddenly, the Dojo was gone and in place, a white room with glowing lines down the walls.

"Not bad..for a hologram." Raph said as he watched the room switch back to it's regular look.

"Oh my gosh, you guys were so cool!" Kara cheered in excitement as the brothers walked into the control room where she, Dragan, April and Fugitoid were watching them train.

"Pretty cool right? Three Bradfords for the price of one holo-trainer." April said, looking at them.

"It was incredible, April! Solid holograms. Ingenious!" Donnie answered back to her in awe.

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