Into Dimension X

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It now being over a month since Kara was severely injured fighting Shredder's minions and she was close to full recovery now able to walk freely and do things on her own but her muscles still ache every now and then.

Kara and Dragan were at home unpacking Dragan's things into her new room though it was more Dragan moving and more of Kara rummaging through her belongings in awe than helping.

"Come on, Kara. This is takin' much longer than it should.." She said with a hint of annoyance though couldn't help but smile at how Kara was reacting to her things; made her feel proud for owning it.

"I'm sorry, just never liked unpacking, it's so much work." Kara responded back falling backwards with a pout before sitting up straight once more finding a cute plush toy of a baby panda. "This is so adorable! And so fluffy! Where'd you get this at??"

Dragan blinked but smiled and sat down beside her taking the plush from her. "It was won on a family trip. Our town is small so we don't get a lot o' carnivals or festivals in our area. It was ma birthday an I heard in school there was a carnival three hours awye from ma hometown an I wanted tae go so bad but despite the drive an the cost ma parents took me anywyes. We had such a great time; we even rented our first hotel. I know it doesn't seem like much was durin' a time we truly felt like a family." Dragan's eyes shined at the memories of when she was younger and gently sniffed the panda still able to smell the smallest aroma of the carnival foods.

Kara watched her and smiled softly before pulling out a jewelry box and sighed softly. "That's why I'm so interested in your things; you have so many many memories with everything you have. It's amazing." She looked over down at the jewelry box then outside to the living room. Everything she had she bought herself. She had no memories of her own with her family, nothing to look back on other than the thoughts in her head. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she looked over at Dragan who gave her a soft smile and a tender hug not fully knowing what she was going through but understood her feelings. Giving her a gentle squeeze before letting go. Kara smiled at her but blinked when her phone notified her of a message and unlocked it to see it was Mrs. Christine. "Oh, it's my teacher, she wants to meet me for can meet her!" Kara shouted in excitement surprising Dragan as she responded to the text. "Oh! There's someone else I want you to meet. He's a close friend and my manager he can join us as well." Kara continued to text Mrs. Christine about bringing Casey and a new friend to meet.

Waiting for her to respond Kara stood up to change from her tank top and shorts to her regular clothes while Dragan was already wearing her outfit. "I guess we could tak a break..." She looked over at what they had done: only having unpacked two boxes. Turning her head to the direction of the rest of her stuff being eight more boxes she sighed in defeat. "We're never gonna finish." She muttered under her breath but blinked when her stomach growled.

"She said yes!" Kara shouted from her room with excitement making Dragan smile. "So, when are we going to meet them?" Dragan walked out from her room just as Kara walked out of hers.

"Right now." Kara said grabbing her house key and grinned excitedly to Dragan. "You ready?"

Dragan nodded and followed after her. "Nervous but I'm ready."

"Awesome! By the way, we should make you a key copy before we meet them." She said opening the door as both of them walked out.

Arriving at Murakami's on Kara's scooter, both of them walked in and Kara waved at a tall woman with red hair and piercing blue eyes carrying a baby and an equally tall man with blonde hair and green eyes in a formal suit. "They both look so professional..." Dragan looked down at her own outfit suddenly regretting her choice of clothing and became nervous.

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